test_center plugin đŸŽ¯

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Getting Started

This project is a fastlane plugin. To get started with fastlane-plugin-test_center, add it to your project by running:

fastlane add_plugin test_center

About test_center

This plugin makes testing your iOS app easier by providing you actions that give you greater control over everthing related to testing your app.

The test_center plugin started with a problem when working on automated iOS tests:

😘 - code is done, time to run the automated tests


🤓 - most of these tests run fine locally and I do not know how to fix them...

😕 - bummer, maybe if I re-run the tests?


☚ī¸ - aw man, still failing? One more time? 🤞


😡 - this is terrible, my tests keep failing randomly!

🤔 - maybe there is a better way?

🕐 🕡 🕚

> enter multi_scan

😘 - code is done, time to run the automated tests


😕 - bummer, maybe if I re-run multi_scan again?


😕 - hmmm, maybe these are real test failures?


😛 - okay, these are real test failures, time to fix them!


😍 - green is joy!

multi_scan began when I engineered an action to only re-run the failed tests in order to determine which ones were truly failing, or just failing randomly due to a fragile infrastructure. This action morphed into an entire plugin with many actions related to tests.

This fastlane plugin includes the following actions:

multi-scan 🎉

Is the fragile test infrastructure provided by xcodebuild failing tests inexplicably and getting you down đŸ˜ĸ? Use the :try_count option to re-run those failed tests multiple times to ensure that any fragility is ironed out and only truly failing tests appear.

Is the sheer number of UI tests overloading the iOS Simulator and causing it to become useless? Run your tests in batches using the :batch_count option in order to lighten the load on the simulator.

Do you get frustrated when your automated test system keeps running after the fragile test infrastructure stops working halfway through your tests 😡? Use the :testrun_completed_block callback to bailout early or make adjustments on how your tests are exercised.

Do you have multiple test targets and the normal operation of scan is providing you a test report that implies that all the tests ran in one test target? Don't worry, multi_scan has fixed that.


No time to fix a failing test? Suppress the :failed tests in your project and create and prioritize a ticket in your bug tracking system.

Want to create a special CI job that only re-tries failing tests? Suppress the :passing tests in your project and exercise your fragile tests.


Have some tests that you want turned off? Give the list to this action in order to suppress them for your project.


Do you have an automated process that requires the list of suppressed tests in your project? Use this action to get that.


Performing analysis on a test report file? Get the lists of failing and passing tests using this action.


Do you have multiple test targets referenced by your xctestrun file and need to know all the tests? Use this action to go through each test target, collect the tests, and return them to you in a simple and usable structure.


Do you have multiple test reports coming in from different sources and need it combined? Use this action to collate all the tests performed for a given test target into one report file.


Check out the example Fastfile to see how to use this plugin. Try it by cloning the repo, running fastlane install_plugins and bundle exec fastlane test.

Run tests for this plugin

To run both the tests, and code style validation, run


To automatically fix many of the styling issues, use

rubocop -a

Issues and Feedback

For any other issues and feedback about this plugin, please submit it to this repository.


If you have trouble using plugins, check out the Plugins Troubleshooting guide.

Using fastlane Plugins

For more information about how the fastlane plugin system works, check out the Plugins documentation.

About fastlane

fastlane is the easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps. To learn more, check out fastlane.tools.