Microsoft Teams Bot fastlane plugin

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Getting Started

This project is a fastlane plugin. To get started with fastlane-plugin-teams_bot, add it to your project by running:

fastlane add_plugin teams_bot

About teams_bot

With this plugin you will be able to send a message on a microsoft teams channel.

Beforehand you must create a new incoming webhook on the Microsoft Teams channel of your choice, you can follow this documentation to help you do this: Incoming Webhook

teams_bot allows you to send a fully custom message to a specific incoming webhook.


    teams_url: "<incoming webhook URL",
    title: "Welcome from Fastlane",
    text: "Hi there !! I am [Teams Bot]( I can send messages on Microsoft Teams very easily from Fastlane.",
    activity_title: "Hey",
    activity_image: ""


    teams_url: "<incoming webhook URL",
    title: "Welcome from Fastlane",
    text: "Hi there !! I am [Teams Bot]( I can send messages on Microsoft Teams very easily from Fastlane.",
    activity_title: "Hey",
    activity_image: "",
    facts: [
            "name" => "Environment",
            "value" => "Staging"
            "name" => "Branch",
            "value" => "Develop"
    theme_color: "321244", # A custom RGB color
    use_markdown: true # Using markdown allowing you to add URL in your text

This code give the following message:


Once installed, information and help for an action can be printed out with this command:

fastlane action teams_bot


Key Description Env Var Default
theme_color Theme color of the message card TEAMS_MESSAGE_THEME_COLOR 321244
title The title that should be displayed on Teams TEAMS_MESSAGE_TITLE
summary The summary that should be displayed on Teams TEAMS_MESSAGE_SUMMARY summary
activity_title A summary of your message TEAMS_MESSAGE_ACTIVITY_TITLE
activity_subtitle A quick subtitle for your activity (date, project name, branch, ...) TEAMS_MESSAGE_ACTIVITY_SUBTITLE ''
activity_image Display an image on your activity (project logo, company logo, ...) TEAMS_MESSAGE_ACTIVITY_IMAGE
text The message you want to display TEAMS_MESSAGE_TEXT
use_markdown Define to use or not markdown TEAMS_MESSAGE_USE_MARKDOWN true
facts Optional facts (assigned to, due date, status, branch, environment, ...) TEAMS_MESSAGE_FACTS []
teams_url The URL of the incoming Webhook you created on your Microsoft Teams channel TEAMS_MESSAGE_TEAMS_URL


Check out the example Fastfile to see how to use this plugin. Try it by cloning the repo, running fastlane install_plugins and bundle exec fastlane test.

Issues and Feedback

For any other issues and feedback about this plugin, please submit it to this repository.


If you have trouble using plugins, check out the Plugins Troubleshooting guide.

Using fastlane Plugins

For more information about how the fastlane plugin system works, check out the Plugins documentation.

About fastlane

fastlane is the easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps. To learn more, check out