Dynatrace Fastlane plugin

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Getting Started

This project is a fastlane plugin. To get started with fastlane-plugin-dynatrace, add it to your project by running:

fastlane add_plugin dynatrace

Dynatrace Managed

If the installation is on version 1.195 or earlier the Symbolication Client has to be manually download and specified (dtxDssClientPath), else it's fetched and updated automatically. A matching version can be downloaded manually with this link https://api.mobileagent.downloads.dynatrace.com/sprint-latest-dss-client/xyz by replacing xyz with the 3-digit sprint version of your Dynatrace Managed installation.

About the Dynatrace fastlane plugin

This plugin allows you to decode and upload symbol files (iOS) or just upload obfuscation mapping files (Android) to Dynatrace. You can also use it to first download your latest dSYM files from App Store Connect if you use Bitcode.

Action: dynatrace_process_symbols

Supported Platforms ios, android

Is your app Bitcode enabled?

Only applies for apps distributed via the AppStore or TestFlight.

If your app is bitcode enabled, then the dSYMs that are generated during the Xcode build are not the dSYMs you want to upload to Dynatrace. This is because Apple recompiles the application on their servers, generating new dSYM files in the process. These newly generated dSYM files need to be downloaded from App Store Connect, then processed and uploaded to Dynatrace.


There is a time gap between the application being uploaded to App Store Connect and the dSYM files to be ready. So we have to introduce some "wait" time in the CI to accomodate for this. You can do this by setting the waitForDsymProcessing to true. Unfortunately, Apple does not specify how long this time is. We recommend 1800 seconds (30 mins) as this is usually enough for the symbols are ready for download. You can increase this timeout if needed (waitForDsymProcessingTimeout).

Notice that this timeout is only the maximum waiting time. If the symbol files are ready sooner, it will continue processing and will not wait for the whole duration of the timeout.

Automatically downloading dSYMs and using AppFile for authentication


app_identifier("com.yourcompany.yourappID") # bundle identifier of your app
apple_id("[email protected]")


    appId: "<Dynatrace application ID>",
    apitoken: "<Dynatrace API token>",
    os: "ios",
    bundleId: "<CFBundlebundleId (iOS) / package (Android)>",
    versionStr: "<Build Number (CFBundleVersion)>",
    version: "<App Version (CFBundleShortVersionString)>",
    server: "<Dynatrace Environment URL>",
    downloadDsyms: true

If you are NOT using Bitcode, or if you have already downloaded your new symbols from App Store Connect manually.

Supply all parameters locally

    appId: "<Dynatrace application ID>",
    apitoken: "<Dynatrace API Token>",
    os: "<ios> or <android>",
    bundleId: "<CFBundlebundleId (iOS) / package (Android)>",
    versionStr: "<CFBundleShortVersionString (iOS) / versionName (Android)>",
    version: "<CFBundleVersion (iOS) / versionCode (Android)>",
    server: "<Dynatrace Environment URL>",
    symbolsfile: "<Symbols File Path>"

List of all Parameters

Key Description default value
action (iOS only) Action to be performed by DTXDssClient (upload or decode). upload
downloadDsyms (iOS only) Download the dSYMs from App Store Connect. false
waitForDsymProcessing (iOS only) Wait for dSYM processing to be finished. true
waitForDsymProcessingTimeout (iOS only) Timeout in seconds to wait for the dSYMs be downloadable. 1800
username (iOS only) The username/AppleID to use to download the dSYMs. Alternatively you can specify this in your AppFile as apple_id.
os The type of the symbol files, either ios or android.
apitoken Dynatrace API token with mobile symbolication permissions.
dtxDssClientPath (DEPRECATED) The path to your DTXDssClient. The DTXDssClient is downloaded and updated automatically, unless this key is set.
appID The application ID you get from your Dynatrace environment.
bundleId The CFBundlebundleId (iOS) / package (Android) of the application. Alternatively you can specify this in your AppFile as app_identifier.
versionStr The CFBundleShortVersionString (iOS) / versionName (Android)
version The CFBundleVersion (iOS) / versionCode (Android). Is also used for the dSYM download.
symbolsfile Path to the dSYM file to be processed. If downloadDsyms is set, this is only a fallback.
server The API endpoint for the Dynatrace environment (e.g. https://environmentID.live.dynatrace.com or https://dynatrace-managed.com/e/environmentID).
debugMode Enable debug logging. false


Try it by cloning the repo, running fastlane install_plugins and bundle exec fastlane test.

Issues and Feedback

For any other issues and feedback about this plugin, please submit it to this repository or contact Dynatrace Support.


If you have trouble using plugins, check out the Plugins Troubleshooting guide.

Using fastlane Plugins

For more information about how the fastlane plugin system works, check out the Plugins documentation.

About fastlane

fastlane is the easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps. To learn more, check out fastlane.tools.