
fastlane Plugin Badge

About build_app_for_simulator

This plugin builds apps exclusively for iOS, tvOS or watchOS Simulators 🚀


Key Description Default
output_directory The directory in which the app file should be stored in .
workspace Path to the workspace file
project Path to the project file
scheme The project's scheme. Make sure it's marked as Shared
platform Use a custom simulator destination for building the app (iOS, tvOS or watchOS) iOS
configuration The configuration to use when building the app Debug
derived_data_path The directory where built products and other derived data will go
result_bundle_path Path to the result bundle directory to create
buildlog_path The directory where to store the build log
raw_buildlog Set to true to see xcodebuild raw output false
xcargs Pass additional xcodebuild options. Be sure to quote the setting names and values e.g. OTHER_LDFLAGS='-ObjC -lstdc++'


Getting Started

To get started with build_app_for_simulator, add it to your project by running:

$ fastlane add_plugin build_app_for_simulator


  scheme: 'AppName',
  workspace: 'Example.xcworkspace',
  configuration: 'Release',
  output_directory: 'build'

Lane Variables

SharedValue Description
SharedValues::SIMULATOR_APP_OUTPUT_PATH The path to the newly generated app file