applitoolsify plugin

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Getting Started

This project is a fastlane plugin. To get started with fastlane-plugin-applitoolsify, add it to your project by running:

fastlane add_plugin applitoolsify

About applitoolsify

Add Applitools SDKs (UFG_lib.xcframework) to iOS apps as fastlane-plugin


Check out the example Fastfile to see how to use this plugin. Try it by cloning the repo, running fastlane install_plugins and bundle exec fastlane test.

Using fastlane Plugins

For more information about how the fastlane plugin system works, check out the Plugins documentation.

Adding lib into app-file, require path to your app-file:

applitoolsify applitoolsify_input: './'

For debug purposes you can store original file as is, by providing parameter where will to put app with lib:

applitoolsify applitoolsify_input: './', applitoolsify_output: './'

About fastlane

fastlane is the easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps. To learn more, check out