Fast Method Source

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Fast Method Source is a Ruby library for quering methods, procs and lambdas for their source code and comments.

require 'fast_method_source'
require 'fast_method_source/core_ext' # Adds #source to UnboundMethod
require 'set'

puts Set.instance_method(:merge).source


  def merge(enum)
    if enum.instance_of?(self.class)
      do_with_enum(enum) { |o| add(o) }



All you need is to install the gem.

gem install fast_method_source


Fast Method Source provides functionality similar to method_source, which powers Pry's show-source, show-comment and find-method commands, but with a number of key differences that are listed below.

Speed Improvements

The main goal of Fast Method Source is to retrieve information as fast as possible. In result, the library is extremely fast and is capable of quering thousands of methods in a couple of seconds. The benchmarks included in this repository show that Fast Method Source outpaces method_source in every aspect by far. The results from those benchmarks below show the comparison of these libraries.


ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x86_64-linux]

The speed boost of method_source after the rehearsal that can be observed in this benchmark comes from the fact that it uses memoization. Fast Method Source does not support it at the moment.

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz
Platform: ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x86_64-linux]
Counting the number of sample methods...
Sample methods: 19280
Rehearsal -----------------------------------------------------------
FastMethodSource#source   0.760000   0.240000   1.000000 (  1.104455)
MethodSource#source      53.240000   0.250000  53.490000 ( 59.304424)
------------------------------------------------- total: 54.490000sec

                              user     system      total        real
FastMethodSource#source   0.610000   0.190000   0.800000 (  0.890971)
MethodSource#source      51.770000   0.230000  52.000000 ( 57.640986)


ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x86_64-linux]
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz
Platform: ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x86_64-linux]
Counting the number of sample methods...
Sample methods: 19437
Rehearsal ------------------------------------------------------------
FastMethodSource#comment   0.180000   0.170000   0.350000 (  0.395569)
MethodSource#comment      19.860000   0.230000  20.090000 ( 36.373289)
-------------------------------------------------- total: 20.440000sec

                               user     system      total        real
FastMethodSource#comment   0.270000   0.190000   0.460000 (  0.520414)
MethodSource#comment      19.360000   0.020000  19.380000 ( 21.726528)


ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x86_64-linux]

This is a convenience method, and method_source doesn't have it.

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz
Platform: ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x86_64-linux]
Counting the number of sample methods...
Sample methods: 19435
       user     system      total        real
FastMethodSource#comment_and_source_for  0.810000   0.420000   1.230000 (  1.374435)

Correctness Of Output

Fast Method Source is capable of displaying source code even for dynamically defined methods.

require 'fast_method_source'
require 'rss'

puts RSS::Maker::ChannelBase.instance_method(:dc_description=).source


            def #{name}=(#{new_value_variable_name})
              #{local_variable_name} =
                #{plural_name}.first || #{plural_name}.new_#{new_name}
              #{local_variable_name}.#{attribute} = #{new_value_variable_name}

That said, you need to be cautious, because sometimes it's not working as expected. Feel free to file issues.

RAM Consumption

The comment_and_source benchmark shows that the library uses about 10 MB of RES RAM for computing information for 19K methods. I measure with htop, manually. If you know a better way to measure RAM, please drop a letter here: [email protected].


The library provides the following methods: #comment, #source and #comment_and_source. There are two ways to use Fast Method Source.

One way is to monkey-patch relevant core Ruby classes and use the methods directly.

require 'fast_method_source'
require 'fast_method_source/core_ext' # <= monkey-patches

# Monkey-patch of UnboundMethod
Set.instance_method(:merge).source #=> "  def merge(enum)\n..."

# Monkey-patch of Method
Set.method(:[]).source #=> "  def self.[](*ary)\n..."

# Monkey-patch of Proc (or lambda)
myproc = proc { |arg|
  arg + 1
myproc.source #=> "myproc = proc { |arg|\n..."

The other way is by using these methods defined on the library's class directly.

require 'fast_method_source'

# With UnboundMethod
FastMethodSource.source_for(Set.instance_method(:merge)) #=> "  def merge(enum)\n..."

# With Method
FastMethodSource.source_for(Set.method(:[])) #=> "  def self.[](*ary)\n..."

# With Proc (or lambda)
myproc = proc { |arg|
  arg + 1
FastMethodSource.source_for(myproc) #=> "myproc = proc { |arg|\n..."

Method Information


Returns the source code of the given method as a String. Raises FastMethodSource::SourceNotFoundError if:

  • method is defined outside of a file (for example, in a REPL)
  • method doesn't have a source location (typically C methods)

Raises IOError if:

  • the file location of method is inaccessible
#=> "  def merge(enum)\n..."
#=> FastMethodSource::SourceNotFoundError


Returns the comment of the given method as a String. The rest is identical to FastMethodSource#source_for(method).


Returns the comment and the source code of the given method as a String (the order is the same as the method's name). The rest is identical to FastMethodSource#source_for(method).



  • CRuby 2.1.x
  • CRuby 2.2.x
  • CRuby 2.3.0dev and higher

Rubies below 2.2.2 were not tested, so in theory if it quacks like Ruby 2, it may work.

Operation Systems

  • GNU/Linux
  • Mac OS (hopefully)


Optional Memoization

I'm not sure about this, if it's really needed, but it will speed up further queries greatly (at the cost of RAM). At this moment I think if I add it, it should be optional and configurable like this:

FastMethodSource.memoization = true # or `false`

So far I'm happy about the speed of the library.


The project uses Zlib License. See the LICENCE.txt file for more information.