Fast Polylines

Gem Version Build Status

Implementation of the Google polyline algorithm.

BREAKING CHANGES: The version 2.0.0 of FastPolylines includes breaking changes, see Migrate from 1.0.0

About 300x faster encoding and decoding than Joshua Clayton's gem.

make benchmark on a MacBook pro 13 - 2,3 GHz Intel Core i5:

——————————————————————————————— ENCODING ————————————————————————————————

Warming up --------------------------------------
           Polylines   277.000  i/100ms
     FastPolylinesV1     2.050k i/100ms
     FastPolylinesV2    73.822k i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
           Polylines      3.254k (± 1.8%) i/s -     16.343k in   5.023767s
     FastPolylinesV1     25.715k (± 3.7%) i/s -    129.150k in   5.029675s
     FastPolylinesV2    933.751k (± 4.3%) i/s -      4.725M in   5.072446s

     FastPolylinesV2:   933750.7 i/s
     FastPolylinesV1:    25715.1 i/s - 36.31x  slower
           Polylines:     3254.3 i/s - 286.93x  slower

———————————————————————————————  DECODING ————————————————————————————————

Warming up --------------------------------------
           Polylines   140.000  i/100ms
     FastPolylinesV1     1.602k i/100ms
     FastPolylinesV2    36.432k i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
           Polylines      1.401k (± 2.2%) i/s -      7.000k in   5.000321s
     FastPolylinesV1     16.465k (± 3.7%) i/s -     83.304k in   5.067786s
     FastPolylinesV2    396.100k (± 5.2%) i/s -      2.004M in   5.074500s

     FastPolylinesV2:   396100.0 i/s
     FastPolylinesV1:    16464.6 i/s - 24.06x  slower
           Polylines:     1400.6 i/s - 282.81x  slower


gem install fast-polylines

or in your Gemfile:

gem "fast-polylines", "~> 2.0.0"


require "fast-polylines"

FastPolylines.encode([[38.5, -120.2], [40.7, -120.95], [43.252, -126.453]])
# "_p~iF~ps|U_ulLnnqC_mqNvxq`@"

# [[38.5, -120.2], [40.7, -120.95], [43.252, -126.453]]

Advanced usage

Use a different precision

Default precision is 5 decimals, to use a precision of 6 decimals:

FastPolylines.encode([[38.5, -120.2], [40.7, -120.95], [43.252, -126.453]], 6)
# "_izlhA~rlgdF_{geC~ywl@_kwzCn`{nI"

FastPolylines.decode("_izlhA~rlgdF_{geC~ywl@_kwzCn`{nI", 6)
# [[38.5, -120.2], [40.7, -120.95], [43.252, -126.453]]

The precision max is 13.

 Migrate from 1.0.0


# before
FastPolylines::Encoder.encode([[1.2, 1.2], [2.4, 2.4]], 1e6)
# after
FastPolylines.encode([[1.2, 1.2], [2.4, 2.4]], 6)

The new version of FastPolylines doesn't support precision more than 1e13, you should not consider using it anyway since it is way too precise.

Encoder and Decoder modules are deprecated in favor of the single parent module. Even though you can still use those, a deprecation warning will be printed.

The precision is now an integer representing the number of decimals. It is slightly smaller, and mostly this will avoid having any float value as precision.

Run the Benchmark

You can run the benchmark with make benchmark.


git clone [email protected]:klaxit/fast-polylines
cd fast-polylines
bundle install
# Implement a feature, resolve a bug...
make rubocop
make test
git commit "My new feature!"
# Make a PR

There is a make console command as well to open a ruby console with the current version loaded.

And here's a good starting point for Ruby C extensions knowledge.


Please see LICENSE