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Faraday CSRF middleware

Transparently handles Rails (and maybe not only Rails) CSRF protection, in case you need to send requests to an app that doesn't provide an API. It tries to extract a CSRF token from each request and later inserts it into (POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) requests that probably require it.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'faraday_csrf'

You need to add it to your stack, you would also need a cookie_jar (gem 'faraday-cookie_jar').


Create a Faraday connection like this:

conn = url: '' do |conn|
  conn.use :csrf
  conn.request :url_encoded
  conn.use :cookie_jar
  conn.adapter Faraday.default_adapter

When you would make a get request, the CSRF thingy would try to parse the page and extract the token from it. When you make a POST request after that, it would add the token to it.

You have to use faraday-cookie_jar gem for handling cookies, and use :url_encoded middleware or something of that nature to allow this middleware to insert tokens.

You can get the token it extracted by accessing response_env[:csrf_token].


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at