Faraday Sunset

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Watch out for HTTP responses declaring their end of life, using the Sunset header to signal deprecation (and eventual removal) of an endpoint.

Sunset is an in-development HTTP response header. Check out GitHub for issues and discussion around it's development.

This specification defines the Sunset HTTP response header field, which indicates that a URI is likely to become unresponsive at a specified point in the future.

The header we're sniffing for looks a little like this:

Sunset: Sat, 31 Dec 2018 23:59:59 GMT

So long as the server being called is inserting a Sunset header to the response with a HTTP date, this client-side code will do stuff.


Add gem to Gemfile:

gem 'faraday-sunset'

Enabling Sunset detection is as simple as referencing the middleware in your Faraday connection block:

connection = Faraday.new(url: '...') do |conn|
  conn.response :sunset, active_support: true
  # or
  conn.response :sunset, logger: Rails.logger

You can configure ActiveSupport::Deprecation to warn in a few different ways, or pass in any object that acts a bit like a Rack logger, Rails logger, or anything with a warn method that takes a string.


  • Ruby: v2.2 - v2.5
  • Faraday: v0.9 - v0.14
  • rails-sunset - Mark your endpoints as deprecated the Railsy way
  • guzzle-sunset - Sniff for deprecations with popular PHP client Guzzle


  • [ ] Surface Link with rel=sunset as per Sunset RFC draft 04?


To run tests and modify locally, you'll want to bundle install in this directory.

bundle exec appraisal rspec


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at wework/faraday-sunset. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.