The FAQ Markup Language. It's pretty simple. The gem is called faqml, so first install it.

require 'rubygems'
require 'faqml'
data = File.readlines('mypage.fml').join()

Your markup in mypage.fml should be valid markdown. The only difference is, that QnA blocks are started by three dashes (---), and questions and answers are seperated by three equals (===). The first line of the question block will be the QnA's title. That's all.

This FML

What kind of Bear is Best?
I hear there are basically two school of thought.
False. *Blackbear*.

Do Bears eat Beats?
Of course.

Produces this HTML

<section class="qna">
  <h1><a href="#">What kind of Bear is Best?</a></h1>
  <div class="qna">
    <div class="question">
      <p>I hear there are basically two school of thought.</p>
    <div class="answer">
      <p>False. <em>Blackbear</em>.</p>
<section class="qna">
  <h1><a href="#">Do Bears eat Beats?</a></h1>
  <div class="qna">
    <div class="answer">
      <p>Of course.</p>