
This is the business logic behind th web app for PeepCode's PBP Challenge issued to @wycats and @tenderlove, This is my isolated, test driven, functional version.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fantasyhub'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fantasyhub


scored_events = Fantasyhub.score_activity_feed(uid)
# => [Event, Event, ...]{|event| event.score}.reduce(:+)

Running the test suite

I don't use rake to run Ruby tests. (Sorry Jim)

Rake in my experience slows down your tests. Not as much as external dependencies to Rails, but still, slow. I have also dropped a log statement in my boot.rb file in a rails app and watched Rake load my env several times before the tests run.

To solve this, I simply use Ruby these days. You will find the test suite 'runner' in the root, and you can run it like so:


That is all :)

Supported Rubies

I have long disowned 1.8 and 1.9. Run this in 2.0+

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