
Famo.us and famous-angular integration with your Rails application. Awesome!

This gem provides:

  • Famo.us
  • Famous/Angular.JS integration


The famous and famous-angular files will be added to the asset pipeline and available for you to use. Add following to your Gemfile:

gem 'famous-angular-rails'

Famo.us integration

To use only Famo.US add this line to your application.js file:

//= require famous

Famo.us with Angular.JS integration

Optionally you can use Angular.JS with Famo.us integrated together. For this you'll also need to require angular.js library before famous and famous-angular files. We recommend using angularjs-rails. With this gem you should add to your application.js the following:

//= require angular
//= require famous
//= require famous-angular


Feel free to open an issue ticket if you find something that could be improved.


Copyright 42Gems, released under the MIT License.