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    Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Sebastien Varrette <[email protected]>

Sebastien Varrette aka Falkor’s Common library to share Ruby code and {rake,cap} tasks.


You’ll typically want to install FalkorLib using Bundler. To do this, simply add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'falkorlib'

And then execute:

$> bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$> gem install falkorlib

Note you probably wants to do the above within an isolated environment. See below for some explanation on this setup.


This library features two aspects

  • A set of toolbox functions / components I’m using everywhere in my Ruby developments, more specifically a set of modules:
    • FalkorLib::Common: Recipe for all my toolbox and versatile Ruby functions I’m using everywhere.
      You’ll typically want to include the FalkorLib::Common module to bring the corresponding definitions into your scope. Example:

          require 'falkorlib'
          include FalkorLib::Common
          info 'exemple of information text'
          run %{ echo 'this is an executed command' }
          Falkor.config.debug = true
          run %{ echo 'this is a simulated command that *will not* be executed' }
          error "that's an error text, let's exit with status code 1"all my toolbox printing functions I'm using everywhere 
    • FalkorLib::Config: all configuration aspects, implemented using configatron. FalkorLib.config canbe used to customized the defaults settings, for instance by;

        FalkorLib.config do |c|
            c.debug = true

      You can also place a special file .falkorlib.yaml to customize the FalkorLib settings

    • FalkorLib::Git: all git operations
    • FalkorLib::GitFlow: all git-flow operations
    • FalkorLib::Version: for the semantic versioning management of your project.
    • FalkorLib::Puppet: for all puppet operations
  • Some rake tasks to facilitate common operations. In general you can simply embedded my tasks by adding the following header in your Rakefile:

      # In Rakefile
      require "falkorlib"
      ## Place-holder to customize the configuration of the <object> tasks, 
      ## Typically by altering FalkorLib.config.<object>
      require "falkorlib/tasks/<object>" # OR require "falkorlib/<object>_tasks" 

FalkorLib Ruby Modules / Classes Documentation

Online documentation is a available. Yet to get the latest version, you might want to run

$> rake yard:doc

This will generate the documentation in doc/api/ folder.

Statistics on the documentation generation (in particular non-documented components) can be obtained by

$> rake yard:stats 

Overview of the implemented Rake tasks

You can find the list of implemented Rake tasks (detailed below) in the lib/falkorlib/*_tasks.rb files

As mentioned above, for a given task object <obj> (git tasks for instance as proposed in lib/falkorlib/git_tasks.rb), you can specialize the corresponding configuration by using the block construction of FalkorLib.config do |c| ... end before requiring the task file:

# In Rakefile
require 'falkorlib'

# Configuration for the 'toto' tasks
FalkorLib.config.toto do |c|
  toto.foo = bar   # see `rake falkorlib:conf` to print the current configuration of FalkorLib

require "falkorlib/tasks/toto"    # OR require "falkorlib/toto_tasks"

Proposed Rake tasks

FalkorLib is meant to facilitate many common operations performed within your projects and piloted via a Rakefile.

Bootstrapping the project

Within your fresh new directory that will hold your project data (/path/to/myproject for instance), you’ll need to bootstrap the following files:

  • .ruby-{version,gemset}: RVM configuration, use the name of the project as gemset name
  • Gemfile: used by [bundle](http://bundler.io/), initialized with bundle init that contain at least the line gem 'falkorlib'
  • Gemfile.lock will be automatically generated once you run bundle to install the configured gems within your Gemfile.
  • Rakefile: the placeholder for your project tasks.

Assuming you are in your project directory /path/to/myproject and that RVM is installed on your system, you can bootstrap the above file by copy/pasting all the following command-lines in your terminal:

bash <(curl --silent https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Falkor/falkorlib/devel/binscripts/bootstrap.sh) Note: you probably want to take a look at that script content before running the above command.

Alternatively, assuming you have installed the falkorlib gem, you can create a minimal Rakefile (containing require 'falkorlib') and run rake bootstrap:rvm.

You can now complete your Rakefile depending on the tasks you wish to see. Below is a detailed overview of the implemented rake tasks in FalkorLib.

Git[Flow] and Versioning Management

Nearly all my projects are organized under Git using the gitflow branching model. Thus I create a flexible framework to pilot the interaction with Git, git-flow, git submodules, git subtrees etc.

Typical [Minimal] setup of your Rakefile, hopefully self-speaking

``` require ‘falkorlib’

placeholder for custom configuration of FalkorLib.config.git and

## FalkorLib.config.gitflow

Git[Flow] and Versioning management

require “falkorlib/tasks/git” # OR require “falkorlib/git_tasks” ```

If git is not yet configured in your repository, you’ll end with the following tasks:

$> rake -T fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git /!\ WARNING: Git is not initialized for this directory. /!\ WARNING: ==> consider running 'rake git[:flow]:init' to be able to access the regular git Rake tasks rake falkorlib:conf # Print the current configuration of FalkorLib rake git:flow:init # Initialize Git-flow repository rake git:init # Initialize Git repository

Git-flow configuration

Configuration aspects for git-flow are stored in the FalkorLib::Config::GitFlow module (defined in lib/falkorlib/git/flow.rb).

You can easily customize these default settings in your Rakefile, before the require "falkorlib/tasks/git" lines. Just proceed with ruby magic as follows:

require 'falkorlib' [...] # Git flow customization FalkorLib.config.gitflow do |c| c[:branches] = { :master => 'production', :develop => 'devel' } end [...] require "falkorlib/tasks/git"

Now you can run rake git:flow:init to bootstrap your repository with git-flow.

Running rake -T shall now raises many new tasks linked to git-flow operations:

$> rake -T rake falkorlib:conf # Print the current configuration of FalkorLib rake git:feature:finish # Finalize the feature operation rake git:feature:start[name] # Start a new feature operation on the repository using the git-flow framework rake git:flow:init # Initialize your local clone of the repository for the git-flow management rake setup # Setup the repository rake version:bump:major # Prepare the major release of the repository rake version:bump:minor # Prepare the minor release of the repository rake version:bump:patch # Prepare the patch release of the repository rake version:info # Get versioning information rake version:release # Finalize the release of a given bumped version Note: assuming you configured git-flow without any master, you probably want now to delete this default branch by running git branch -d master

So you can now:

  • Start/finish features with rake git:feature:{start,finish}
  • perform basic git operation with rake git:{fetch,push,up}
  • initiate semantic versioning of the project (typically with a VERSION file at the root of your project) with rake version:bump:{patch,minor,patch}. Note that these tasks make use of the git flow release feature.

    Concluding a release is performed by rake version:release

Git submodules configuration

Configuration aspects for git are stored in the FalkorLib::Config::Git module (defined in lib/falkorlib/git/base.rb).

In particular, you can add as many Git submodules as you wish as follows:

require 'falkorlib' [...] # Git customization FalkorLib.config.git do |c| c[:submodules] = { 'veewee' => { :url => 'https://github.com/jedi4ever/veewee.git', :branch => 'master' # not mandatory if 'master' actually } } end [...] require "falkorlib/tasks/git"

You can now bootstrap the configured sub-module(s) by running rake git:submodules:init. In the above scenario, the Git sub-module veewee will be initiated in .submodules/veewee – you can change the root submodules directory by altering FalkorLib.config.git[:submodulesdir] value (see defaults).

Now you will have new rake tasks available:

  $> rake -T
  rake git:submodules:init      # Initialize the Git subtrees defined in FalkorLib.config.git.submodules
  rake git:submodules:update    # Update the git submodules from '/private/tmp/toto'
  rake git:submodules:upgrade   # Upgrade the git submodules to the latest HEAD commit -- USE WITH CAUTION

Git subtree configuration

You can also add as many Git subtrees as you wish – as follows:

require 'falkorlib' [...] # Git customization FalkorLib.config.git do |c| c[:subtrees] = { 'easybuild/easyblocks' => { :url => 'https://github.com/ULHPC/easybuild-easyblocks.git', :branch => 'develop' }, 'easybuild/easyconfigs' => { :url => 'https://github.com/ULHPC/easybuild-easyconfigs.git', :branch => 'uni.lu' }, } end [...] require "falkorlib/tasks/git"

You can now bootstrap the configured sub-tree(s) by running rake git:subtrees:init. In the above scenario, the Git sub-trees will be initiated in the sub-directories easybuild/easyblocks and easybuild/easyconfigs.

Now you will have new rake tasks available:

[...] rake git:subtrees:diff # Show difference between local subtree(s) and their remotes rake git:subtrees:init # Initialize the Git subtrees defined in FalkorLib.config.git.subtrees rake git:subtrees:up # Pull the latest changes from the remote to the local subtree(s) [...]

Gem Management

See lib/falkorlib/tasks/gem.rake: you just have to add the following line to your Rakefile:

require "falkorlib/tasks/gem" # OR require "falkorlib/gem_tasks"

Also, you can adapt the versioning scheme to target a gem management by altering the default configurations

require "falkorlib" [...] # Adapt the versioning aspects to target a gem FalkorLib.config.versioning do |c| c[:type] = 'gem' c[:source]['gem'][:filename] = 'lib/mygem/version.rb', # the file to patch end [...] require "falkorlib/tasks/git" require "falkorlib/tasks/gem"

This will bring the following tasks:

$> rake -T [...] rake build # Builds all packages rake clean # Remove any temporary products rake clobber # Remove any generated file rake gem:console # Spawns an Interactive Ruby Console rake gem:info # Informations on the gem rake gem:release # Release the gem rake version:bump:major # Prepare the major release of the repository rake version:bump:minor # Prepare the minor release of the repository rake version:bump:patch # Prepare the patch release of the repository rake version:info # Get versioning information rake version:release # Finalize the release of a given bumped version

Implementation details

If you want to contribute to the code, you shall be aware of the way I organize this gem and implementation details.

RVM setup

Get the source of this library by cloning the repository as follows:

$> git clone git://github.com/Falkor/falkorlib.git

You’ll end in the devel branch. The precise branching model is explained in the sequel.

If you use RVM, you perhaps wants to create a separate gemset so that we can create and install this gem in a clean environment.

  • create a file .ruby-gemset containing the name of the wished Gemset (falkorlib for instance)
  • create a file .ruby-version containing the wished version of Ruby (2.1.0 for instance - check on Travis for the supported version)

To load these files, you have to re-enter the directory where you cloned falkorlib and placed the above files

To do that, proceed as follows:

$> rvm gemset create falkorlib
$> rvm gemset use falkorlib

Install bundler if it’s not yet done:

$> gem install builder

Then install the required dependent gems as follows:

$> bundle install 

Git Branching Model

The Git branching model for this repository follows the guidelines of gitflow. In particular, the central repository holds two main branches with an infinite lifetime:

  • production: the branch holding tags of the successive releases of this tutorial
  • devel: the main branch where the sources are in a state with the latest delivered development changes for the next release. This is the default branch you get when you clone the repo, and the one on which developments will take places.

You should therefore install git-flow, and probably also its associated bash completion. Also, to facilitate the tracking of remote branches, you probably wants to install grb (typically via ruby gems).

Then, to make your local copy of the repository ready to use my git-flow workflow, you have to run the following commands once you cloned it for the first time:

  $> rake setup # Not yet implemented!

Working in a separate project

To illustrate the usage of the library as a regular user would do, you are advised to dedicate a directory for your tests. Here is for instance the layout of my testing directory:

$> cd FalkorLibTests
$> tree .

Adapt the Rakefile and tester.rb file to reflect your tests.

RSpec tests

I try to define a set of unitary tests to validate the different function of my library using Rspec

You can run these tests by issuing:

$> rake rspec

By conventions, you will find all the currently implemented tests in the spec/ directory, in files having the _spec.rb suffix. This is expected from the rspec task of the Rakefile (see lib/falkorlib/tasks/rspec.rake) for details.

Important Kindly stick to this convention, and feature tests for all definitions/classes/modules you might want to add to FalkorLib.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Directory Organization

By default, the gem take all files included in the .Manifest.txt file on the root of the project. Entries of the manifest file are interpreted as Dir[...] patterns so that lazy people may use wilcards like lib/**/*

IMPORTANT If you want to add a file/directory to this gem, remember to add the associated entry into the manifest file .Manifest.txt



You should become familiar (if not yet) with Git. Consider these resources: