Ruby client for the API

API client in ruby for the Swedish web based invoicing software


If you’re using Rails/Bundler, add this to your Gemfile:

ruby gem "fakturan_nu"

Then create an initializer in app/initializers called fakturan_nu.rb (or whatever name you choose) with the following:

```ruby Fakturan.setup ‘your api username here’, ‘your api key/password here’ Fakturan.use_sandbox = true # Should be true during development/testing and false in production.

Prints request+response logs to STDOUT for easier debugging. Defaults to true for sandbox.

# Fakturan.debug_log = false


If you’re not using Rails, just require 'fakturan_nu' and run setup wherever you like.



The api client attempts to provide an interface similar to ActiveRecord.

```ruby Fakturan::Product.all # GET “” and return an array of product objects

Fakturan::Product.find(1) # GET “” and return a product object

product = Fakturan::Product.create(name: “Shoes”) # POST “” and return the saved product object

product = “Shoes”) = 12 # POST “” and return the saved product object

product = Fakturan::Product.find(1) # GET “” and return a product object = “Blue suede shoes” # Update a property # PUT “” and return the updated product object ```


For creating invoices, a client/customer is required. It can be an existing client (by using client_id), or a new one (by using client):

```ruby invoice = Fakturan::Invoice.create(client: { company: “Acme Inc” }) # POST “” # Will create a new client + invoice

invoice = Fakturan::Invoice.create(client_id: 1) # POST “” # Will create a new invoice for client with id: 1

Example with items/rows: ruby invoice = Fakturan::Invoice.create(client_id: 1, rows: [{ product_name: “Shoes”, product_unit: “pairs”, amount: “1”, product_price: “500”}]) # POST “” # Will create a new invoice for client with id: 1 ```

Finding specific resources

Some resources can be found by other attributes than their id. Any attribute that can be used for filtering on the list action, (see client/list for example) can be used to find a single resource as well. This is done through the same find_by-interface that ActiveRecord uses:

ruby Client.find_by(number: 123) # GET "" # Find a client by number or return nil if not found

Available resources and properties

For a full list of resources and the properties of each type of resource, see the api reference.


The API paginates results. When a collection is fetched, it contains pagination information on the metadata accessor. So in order to get all results, you can do:

ruby products = Fakturan::Product.all # This will give you paginated results of 30 items per page by default products.concat(Fakturan::Product.get(products.metadata[:next])) while products.metadata[:next]

You can change the default number of items per page (30) by passing in the per_page parameter:

ruby products = Fakturan::Product.where(per_page: 100) # This will give you paginated results of 100 items per page products.concat(Fakturan::Product.get(products.metadata[:next])) while products.metadata[:next]

The maximum number of items per page allowed is 100.


Errors and validation are handled much like in ActiveRecord:

ruby invoice = # false invoice.errors.to_a # ["Client can't be blank", "Date can't be blank", "Date is invalid"]

As with ActiveRecord, the save and create methods will return true or false depending on validations, while save! and create! will raise an error if validations fail. The error that is raised in such cases is Fakturan::Error::ResourceInvalid.

Error handling

If the server responds with an error, or if the server cannot be reached, one of the following errors will be raised:

ruby Fakturan::Error::AccessDenied # http status code: 401 Fakturan::Error::ResourceNotFound # http status code: 404 Fakturan::Error::ConnectionFailed # http status code: 407 Fakturan::Error::ResourceInvalid # http status code: 422 Fakturan::Error::ClientError # http status code: other in the 400-499 range Fakturan::Error::ServerError # http status code: other in the 500-599 range

These errors are all descendents of Fakturan::Error and should be caught in a begin-rescue block like so (example in a Rails-controller):

ruby begin invoice = Fakturan::Invoice.create!(invoice_params) rescue Fakturan::Error => error render plain: error.message, status: error.status end

Debugging / logging

In order to get a print out of full request+response bodies, put Fakturan.debug_log = true in your setup. The value of debug_log is set to true in sandbox mode, and false otherwise and will be updated whenever use_sandbox updates. So in order to get logging in production mode, you will have to set debug_log to true manually.