

Faking Ruby objects from JSON API responses


Registering fakes

Automatically register all fakes stored in JSON files under their respective filenames:

require 'fakery'
Fakery.register_files Dir[Rails.root + 'spec/support/fakes/*.json']

Building fakes

Fakery.build(:foo) now builds a fake object for the file named foo.json in the the spec/support/fakes directory. Fakery.build(:foo, with: { bar: "something" }) builds the fake with its bar attribute set to the string "something".

For integration testing of services you can stub an API response with Fakery.build(:the_response).to_json for your specs.

Instantiate objects with fake data

Fakery.instance(:foo, as: TheModel) instantiates the model TheModel with the fake's data by passing it as a hash to the model's constructor. Fakery.instance(:foo, as: TheModel, with: { bar: "something" }) does the same with the instances bar attribute set to the string "something".

Seeding fake data from API endpoints

Fakery.seed('http://api.example.com/foo/bar.json') returns a fake initialized from the URL's JSON content. Fakery.seed('http://api.example.com/foo/bar.json', register: :foo_bar) also registers the fake with the name foo_bar. Fakery.reseed(:foo_bar) then reseeds the fake named foo_bar from the same URL.


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