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FAFX fetches data from the 90 day European Central Bank (ECB) feed and offers a simple CLI and API to interect with.


$ gem install fafx


$ fafx
Usage: fafx [options]
        --recent      Lists most recent rates
        --currencies  Lists available currencies
        --dates       Lists available dates
        --update      Fetches new data from the web

Example of client usage

require 'Date'
require 'fafx'

# Gets the most recent rates
Fafx::ExchangeRate.get('GBP', 'USD')
# => 1.2951645399597045

Fafx::ExchangeRate.at(Date.today, 'GBP', 'USD')
# => 1.2951645399597045

# => ["USD", "JPY", "BGN", "CZK", ...]

# => ["2018-09-10", "2018-09-07", "2018-09-06", "2018-09-05", ...]

# => {"USD"=>1.1571, "JPY"=>128.54, "BGN"=>1.9558, "CZK"=>25.648, ...}

The at function may raise a DateError or CurrencyError exception, should the date or currency be unavailable. Passing an object other than Date to at raises DateError as well.

Updating the exchange rates data

You can update the exchange rates values either via the CLI, Rake task or programmatically:

$ fafx --update

$ rake update_data
require 'fafx'


One can also schedule a cron job (the following example fetches the data every minute):

* * * * * . ~/.zshrc; fafx -u

Note: . ~/.zshrc is used to load the environment with the Ruby gems path, because cron uses PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin and SHELL=/usr/bin/sh by default. Fonts: here and here