factbook-codes - world factbook country codes (by region, by category, etc.)

What's the World Factbook?

See factbook/factbook.json ยป


List all codes

Factbook.codes.each do |code|
  pp code

resulting in:

 code    ="af",
 name    ="Afghanistan",
 region  ="South Asia">
 code    ="al",
 name    ="Albania",
 region  ="Europe">
 code    ="ag",
 name    ="Algeria",
 region  ="Africa">
 code    ="an",
 name    ="Andorra",
 region  ="Europe">

Note: You can filter codes by category e.g. Countries, Dependencies, Miscellaneous, Oceans, etc. and/or by region e.g. Africa, Europe, South Asia, Central America and Caribbean, etc.

assert_equal 260, Factbook.codes.size

## categories
assert_equal 195, Factbook.codes.countries.size
assert_equal  52, Factbook.codes.dependencies.size
assert_equal   5, Factbook.codes.oceans.size
assert_equal   1, Factbook.codes.world.size
assert_equal   2, Factbook.codes.others.size
assert_equal   5, Factbook.codes.misc.size

## regions
assert_equal  55, Factbook.codes.europe.size
assert_equal   9, Factbook.codes.south_asia.size
assert_equal   6, Factbook.codes.central_asia.size
assert_equal  22, Factbook.codes.east_n_souteast_asia.size
assert_equal  19, Factbook.codes.middle_east.size
assert_equal  55, Factbook.codes.africa.size
assert_equal   7, Factbook.codes.north_america.size
assert_equal  33, Factbook.codes.central_america_n_caribbean.size
assert_equal  14, Factbook.codes.south_america.size
assert_equal  30, Factbook.codes.australia_oceania.size
assert_equal   4, Factbook.codes.antartica.size
assert_equal   5, Factbook.codes.region('Oceans').size
assert_equal   1, Factbook.codes.region('World').size

## categories + regions
assert_equal  45, Factbook.codes.countries.europe.size

See data/codes.csv for the built-in listing of all codes with categories and regions.

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.s) & Answers

Q: The World Factbook front-page says "for 266 world entities" - but the Factbook.codes.size is only 260 (thus, 6 entities short)? What's the story?

The World Factbook provides basic intelligence on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, communications, transportation, military, terrorism, and transnational issues for 266 world entities.

(Source: cia.gov/the-world-factbook)

A: Since March 2006 the United States Pacific Island Wildlife Refuges (um) country profile consolidates seven profiles into a single new one (but keeps entities count as before):

  • Baker Island (fq)
  • Howland Island (hq)
  • Jarvis Island (dq)
  • Johnston Atoll (jq)
  • Kingman Reef (kq)
  • Midway Islands (mq)
  • Palmyra Atoll (lq)

Q: What happened to the Western Sahara (wi) country profile?

In December 2020 the World Factbook dropped coverage of the Western Sahara (wi). Why? In a deal with Morocco the United States recognizes the claim of Marocco over the Western Sahara and in return Morocco starts official diplomatic relations with Israel.

Code, Name,           Category,      Region
wi,   Western Sahara, Miscellaneous, Africa



gem install factbook-codes

or add to your Gemfile

gem 'factbook-codes'


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