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Experimental ROM-compatible data mapper, based on the transproc gem.

No monkey-patching, no mutable instances of any class.

100% mutant-covered.


Basicaly the gem does about the same as the ROM mappers do. But its DSL has a different semantics:

  • Unlike ROM mappers, that describes the structure of transformed data with nouns (attribute :foo, from: :bar), the Faceter DSL uses verbs to describe transformations (rename :bar, to: :foo). Faceter transformations are either "do this, from: that", or "change this, to: that".

  • Unlike ROM, that mixes transformations (attribute :bar, from: :foo) with structures (wrap(:foo) { attribute :bar }), the Faceter strictly separates them. It uses 2 nouns: list an field (like embedded in ROM) to browse the data, and verbs to transform them. Only browsing can be nested and should end up with some transformation. Nested transformations are not supported.

  • Due to stronger separation between browsing an transforming data, every command in Faceter is executed as a single step in ROM. The output of every transformation serves the input for the next one. This makes it possible to read mapper DSL as a set of instructions: "go to this level and change data in this way, then go to that level etc.".

  • Because Faceter uses one-step transformations, it supports inline syntax for the transformations only. Blocks are used either to browse the data, or to provide value for the create command.

  • When you inherit a mapper, the subclass will do all the transformations from its superclass and then add its own. So the inheritance can be used to deepen transformation as an alternative to chaining mappers.

The Faceter is the experimental gem. I've wrote it to check whether this "concept" of procedure-like syntax would work fine and not overkill the recipy with too much details.


To access the data the mapper DSL has two methods, that can be nested deeply:

  • list - "do something with every element of array"
  • field - "do something with a value of hash key"

The mapper also has methods to transform the accessed data (either a field of some tuple or values of some array):

  • rename to rename fields in a tuple
  • create and exclude to provide a new field from other ones (while keeping those fields unchanged) or exclude the existing one(s).
  • add_prefix and remove_prefix to add/remove a prefix to names of field
  • stringify_keys and symbolize_keys to stringify/symbolize all keys from given layer and deeper
  • wrap and unwrap to wrap a value to nested tuple or unwrap it from a tuple
  • group and ungroup to group/ungroup tuples in array by some field(s)

Suppose you need to transform array of nested data:

source = [
    id: 1, name: 'Joe', roles: ['admin'],
    emails: [
      { address: '[email protected]', type: 'job' },
      { address: '[email protected]', type: 'job' },
      { address: '[email protected]', type: 'personal' }

To create a mapper, include Faceter to the mapper class and define the sequence of transformations. Transformations will be applied step-by-step to data at a corresponding level.

require "faceter"

class Mapper
  include Faceter

  list do
    field :roles do
      list { fold to: :role }

    rename :emails, to: :contacts

  # Both `ungroup` and `group` work with arrays as a whole. You haven't
  # wrap them to the `list` unless your data are not the arrays of arrays.
  ungroup :role, from: :roles

  group :id, :name, :contacts, to: :user

  list do
    field :user do
      field :contacts do
        list { rename :address, to: :email }
        group :address, to: :emails

To apply transformation to the source initialize the mapper and send the source array to its call instance method:

mapper = Mapper.new
mapper.call source
# => [
#      {
#        role: 'admin',
#        users: [
#          {
#            id: 1,
#            name: 'Joe',
#            contacts: [
#              { type: 'job',      emails: ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'] },
#              { type: 'personal', emails: ['[email protected]'] }
#            ]
#          }
#        ]
#      }
#    ]

Instantiating Models

You can do any data transformations using create method, that does the following:

  • takes values from tuple by keys given in :from option,
  • sends those values to the block in the same order,
  • assigns the result of the block either to given key, or rewrites the whole tuple with given value.
require "faceter"
require "ostruct"

class Mapper
  include Faceter

  list do
    create from: [:id, :name, :email] do |id, name, email|
      OpenStruct.new id: id, name: name, email: email

Alternatively, you could wrap the necessary keys and then create new value with the same key:

require "faceter"
require "ostruct"

class Mapper
  include Faceter

  list do
    wrap to: :user # wraps all keys in every tuple to the :user key

    create from: :user do |user|

Both the examples transform the array of tuples:

source = [
  { id: 1, name: "Joe",  email: "[email protected]"  },
  { id: 2, name: "Jane", email: "[email protected]" }

into the array of instances:

mapper = Mapper.new
# => [
#  #<OpenStruct @id=1, @name="Joe",  @email="[email protected]">,
#  #<OpenStruct @id=2, @name="Jane", @email="[email protected]">
# ]

Data Serialization

In just the same way you can serialize models at the mapper layer:

source = [
  OpenStruct.new(id: 1, name: "Joe", email: "[email protected]"),
  OpenStruct.new(id: 2, name: "Jane", email: "[email protected]")

class Mapper < Faceter::Mapper
  list do
    # take every item in a list, create the value and assign it back to the item
    create do |item|
      { id: item.id, name: item.name, email: item.email }

mapper = Mapper.new
mapper.call source
# => [
#      { id: 1, name: "Joe", email: "[email protected]" },
#      { id: 2, name: "Jane", email: "[email protected]" }
#    ]


To use the mapper in ROM you can register it as a custom mapper for the corresponding relation:

setup = ROM.setup :memory

setup.mappers { register(:users, my_mapper: mapper) }

rom = ROM.finalize.env

# => returns the converted data


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

# Gemfile
gem "faceter"

Then execute:


Or add it manually:

gem install faceter


Tested under rubies compatible to MRI 2.1+. JRuby is supported from the head version only.

Uses RSpec 3.0+ for testing and hexx-suit for dev/test tools collection.


  • Read the STYLEGUIDE
  • Fork the project
  • Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  • Add tests for it
  • Commit your changes (git commit -am '[UPDATE] Add some feature')
  • Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  • Create a new Pull Request


This project is heavily inspired by and based on gems written by Piotr Solnica:

  • ROM aka Ruby Object Mapper
  • transproc Functional-style transformations in Ruby
