Class: Facebooker::ApplicationProperties

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application_name string The name of your application.

callback_url string Your application’s callback URL. The callback URL cannot be longer than 100 characters.

post_install_url string The URL where a user gets redirected after installing your application. The post-install URL cannot be longer than 100 characters. edit_url string

dashboard_url string

uninstall_url string The URL where a user gets redirected after removing your application.

ip_list string For Web-based applications, these are the IP addresses of your servers that can access Facebook’s servers and serve information to your application. email string The email address associated with the application; the email address Facebook uses to contact you about your application. (default value is your Facebook email address.)

description string The description of your application. use_iframe bool Indicates whether you render your application with FBML (0) or in an iframe (1). (default value is 1)

desktop bool Indicates whether your application is Web-based (0) or gets installed on a user’s desktop (1). (default value is 1)

is_mobile bool Indicates whether your application can run on a mobile device (1) or not (0). (default value is 1) default_fbml string The default FBML code that appears in the user’s profile box when he or she adds your application. default_column bool Indicates whether your application appears in the wide (1) or narrow (0) column of a user’s Facebook profile. (default value is 1) message_url string For applications that can create attachments, this is the URL where you store the attachment’s content.

message_action string For applications that can create attachments, this is the label for the action that creates the attachment. It cannot be more than 20 characters.

about_url string This is the URL to your application’s About page. About pages are now Facebook Pages.

private_install bool Indicates whether you want to disable (1) or enable (0) News Feed and Mini-Feed stories when a user installs your application. (default value is 1)

installable bool Indicates whether a user can (1) or cannot (0) install your application. (default value is 1)

privacy_url string The URL to your application’s privacy terms. help_url string The URL to your application’s help page. see_all_url string

tos_url string The URL to your application’s Terms of Service.

dev_mode bool Indicates whether developer mode is enabled (1) or disabled (0). Only developers can install applications in developer mode. (default value is 1)

preload_fql string A preloaded FQL query.

Constant Summary collapse

[ :application_name, :callback_url, :post_install_url, :edit_url, :dashboard_url,
:uninstall_url, :ip_list, :email, :description, :use_iframe, :desktop, :is_mobile,
:default_fbml, :default_column, :message_url, :message_action, :about_url,
:private_install, :installable, :privacy_url, :help_url, :see_all_url, :tos_url,
:dev_mode, :preload_fql, :icon_url, :canvas_name, :logo_url, :connect_logo_url ]

Method Summary

Methods included from Model

#anon=, included, #initialize, #populate, #populate_from_hash!, #populated?, #session