Facebook Business SDK for Ruby


The Facebook Business SDK is a one-stop shop to help our partners better serve their businesses. Partners are using multiple Facebook API's to server the needs of their clients. Adopting all these API's and keeping them up to date across the various platforms can be time consuming and ultimately prohibitive. For this reason Facebook has developed the Business SDK bundling many of its APIs into one SDK to ease implementation and upkeep. The Business SDK is an upgraded version of the Marketing API SDK that includes the Marketing API as well as many Facebook APIs from different platforms such as Pages, Business Manager, Instagram, etc.

Quick Start

Business SDK Getting Started Guide


Ruby Version

We developed this SDK using Ruby 2.0, and supports Ruby 2.0+, however, the SDK is not thread-safe at the moment.

Register An App

To get started with the SDK, you must have an app registered on developers.facebook.com.

To manage the Marketing API, please visit your Obtain An Access Token

When someone connects with an app using Facebook Login and approves the request for permissions, the app obtains an access token that provides temporary, secure access to Facebook APIs.

An access token is an opaque string that identifies a User, app, or Page.

For example, to access the Marketing API, you need to generate a User access token for your app and ask for the ads_management permission; to access Pages API, you need to generate a Page access token for your app and ask for the manage_page permission.

Refer to our Access Token Guide to learn more.

For now, we can use the Graph Explorer to get an access token.


The SDK is available as a RubyGem. To use the gem, you can add the following to Gemfile

gem 'facebookads'

or install it using command line

gem install facebookads

and then in your code

require 'facebook_ads'


Access Token

There are several ways to configure access token and app secret. If you only use one access token and app secret (example: an internal app managing only your own assets). You can set a global access token and app secret will will be used across all requests

FacebookAds.configure do |config|

Another way is to configure using environment variables, which will be picked up by the SDK as the default


Or you can create a session object for particular object

# Create a Session object to be reused
session = FacebookAds::Session.new(access_token: <ACCESS_TOKEN>, app_secret: <APP SECRET>)
ad_account = FacebookAds::AdAccount.get('act_12334', 'name', session)

# Or a using shortcut during object instantiation
ad_account = FacebookAds::AdAccount.get('act_12334', 'name', {
    access_token: <ACCESS_TOKEN>, app_secret: <APP SECRET>

Basic Operations

Reading a node

The SDK contains ad object files auto generated from our API metadata, each node type has its own corresponding Ruby class under the FacebookAds module. For example, to fetch an AdAccount

 = FacebookAds::AdAccount.get('act_1234567', 'name')
puts "Ad Account Name: #{.name}"

The #get method doesn't trigger the GET request immediately. The API request for GET is fired on-demand. In the example above, API request won't fire until ad_account.name is executed.

Updating a node

To update a node, you can use the #save method of ad object classes.

ad_account = FacebookAds::AdAccount.get('act_1234567', 'name')
ad_account.name = "New Ad Account"

# Fetch it again
=> "New Ad Account"

Deleting a node

To delete a node, you can use the #destroy method.

campaign = FacebookAds::Campaign.get('<CAMPAIGN_ID>')


You can refer to our Marketing API reference or look inside lib/facebook_ads/ad_objects directory of the code base to see the complete list of available ad objects.

Interacting with Edges

To interact with an edge, you first need to instantiate the parent node. Since, as mentioned above, GET request of a node is triggered on-demand, so you don't need to worry about consuming unnecessary API quota.

Fetching Edges (GET)

Iterating edges is easy, instantiate the parent nodes and then simply iterate with #each. The edge is an Enumerable so a bunch of handy methods such as #map, #select, #find etc. come for free!

 = FacebookAds::AdAccount.get('act_1234567', 'name')

# Printing all campaign names
.campaigns(fields: 'name').each do |campaign|
  puts campaign.name

# Getting all campaign names
.campaigns(fields: 'name').map(&:name)

Creating new nodes (POST)

To POST to a edge, you can use the #create method on the edge and supply parameter if needed

campaign = .campaigns.create({
  name: "My First campaign",
  objective: "CONVERSIONS",

Removing from edge (DELETE)

To DELETE an edge, you can use the #destroy method on the edge and supply parameter if needed

# Deleting an AdImage by its hash
.adimages.destroy({hash: 'abcd1234'})


The SDK supports image/video uploads. Just supply a parameter of File type.

Image upload example:

# AdImage supports multiple images upload
  'logo1.png' => File.open('./assets/logo1.jpg'),
  'logo2.png' => File.open('./assets/logo2.jpg'),
=> [#<FacebookAds::AdImage {:hash=>"..."}>, #<FacebookAds::AdImage {:hash=>"..."}>]

Video upload example:

  name: 'My first video',
  source: File.open(File.expand_path("../video_ad_example.mp4", __FILE__))

Batch API

Batch API allows you to make API calls in a batch. You can collect a bunch of API requests and fire them all at once to reduce wait time. To create a batch, just wrap operations with a block to FacebookAds::Batch#with_batch

 = FacebookAds::AdAccount.get('act_<ACT_ID>')

batch = FacebookAds::Batch.with_batch do
  10.times.map do |n|
      name: 'My Test Campaign #' + n,
      objective: 'CONVERSIONS',
      status: 'PAUSED',


Dependencies within a batch (Experimental)

Dependencies between requests is supported, the SDK simplifies the use of JSONPath references between batched operations.

ad_account = FacebookAds::AdAccount.get('act_12334')

batch = FacebookAds::Batch.with_batch do
  # This won't be sent out immediately!
  campaign = ad_account.campaigns.create({
    name: 'My Test Campaign',
    objective: 'CONVERSIONS',
    status: 'PAUSED',

  # Even the request above is not being sent yet, reference to campaign.id still works
    name: 'My AdSet',
    campaign_id: campaign.id, # campaign.id here will return {result=create-campaign:$.id}


FacebookAds.configure do |config|
  # Logger for debugger
  config.logger = ::Logger.new(STDOUT).tap { |d| d.level = Logger::DEBUG }

  # Log Http request & response to logger
  config.log_api_bodies = true

Reporting Bugs/Feedback

Please raise any issue on GitHub.