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eyeson ruby sdk for service app implementation


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'eyeson'

And then execute:

$ bundle install


Eyeson.configure do |config|
  config.api_key      = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
  config.api_endpoint = 'https://api.eyeson.team'

Receive webhooks for specific events

  url: url, # Webhooks will be sent to this URL
  types: [] # supported types: 'room', 'team', 'user', 'presentation', 'broadcast', 'file'

Meeting reference

Join a meeting room

Puts a user to a (specific) meeting room.

If no arbitrary ids are given, random ids will be generated.

room = Eyeson::Room.join(id:   'ARBITRARY_ID',     # optional, e.g. to join a specific room
                         name: 'DISPLAY_NAME',     # optional
                         user: {
                             id:     'ARBITRARY_ID', # optional, e.g. your internal user_id
                             name:   'DISPLAY_NAME', # required!
                             avatar: 'IMAGE_URL'     # optional

The meeting room will be available immediately:

# Temporary access key - only valid for current session:
# access_key = room.access_key

redirect_to room.url

Upload a presentation file from remote URL

Uploads and converts any external stored PDF file for presentation.


Start a live broadcast (YouTube only at the moment)

  platform:   'youtube',
  stream_url: 'YOUTUBE_STREAM_URL' # see YouTube documentation on how to get a stream url.

Stop specific broadcast

  platform: 'youtube'

Stop all broadcasts


Send a message into meeting chat

  type:    'chat',
  content: 'YOUR_MESSAGE'

Insert an image into video

  file:   FILE, # either file or url must be provided!
  url:    URL,  # either file or url must be provided!
  index:  1,    # (optional) use 1 (default) to set as foreground image and -1 to set as background image
  layout: nil   # (optional) currently supported: 'auto' (meeting participants will be arranged automatically), 'fixed' (meeting participants will be rendered at the bottom of the video, so your background content can be fully displayed.)

Get download URL of a specific recording

It is assumed that the recording_id is known (e.g. from a webhook request).

recording = Eyeson::Recording.find(recording_id)
redirect_to recording.url


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.