
eyaml is a tool for asymmetric encryption of YAML and JSON files. It's largely based on ejson and backwards compatible with any *.ejson file.

Assymetric encryption is handled by RubyCrypto/rbnacl using a sealed box.


To install eyaml, run:

gem install eyaml

Or alternatively, you can add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'eyaml'


eyaml depends on libsodium. At least 1.0.0 is required.

For MacOS users, libsodium is available via homebrew and can be installed with:

brew install libsodium


eyaml requires that a file has a _public_key attribute that corresponds to the value generated by running eyaml keygen. Adding a plaintext value into the file and running eyaml encrypt secrets.eyaml (for a file called secrets.eyaml) will encrypt the value using the public key in the same file. To decrypt, ensure a private key is accessible and run eyaml decrypt secrets.eyaml

eyaml supports both JSON and YAML with the extensions eyaml, eyml, and ejson. It will using the extension to determine the format of its output.


eyaml is primarily interacted through its CLI.

-> % eyaml help
  eyaml decrypt         # Decrypt an EYAML file
  eyaml encrypt         # (Re-)encrypt one or more EYAML files
  eyaml help [COMMAND]  # Describe available commands or one specific command
  eyaml keygen          # Generate a new EYAML keypair

  -k, [--keydir=KEYDIR]  # Directory containing EYAML keys

eyaml encrypt

(Re-)encrypt one or more EYAML files. This is used whenever you add a new value to the config file.

-> % eyaml encrypt config/secrets.production.eyaml
Wrote 517 bytes to config/secrets.production.eyaml.

eyaml decrypt

Decrypts the provided EYAML file.

-> % eyaml decrypt config/secrets.production.eyaml
_public_key: d1c7ba73c520445c5ba14984da8119f2f7b8df7bcdb3f37f5afe9613b118936a
secret: password

eyaml keygen

Generates the keypair for the encryption flow to work. The public key must be placed into the file at _public_key like this: e.g.

-> % cat config/credentials.development.eyaml
_public_key: a3dbdef9efd1e52a34588de56a6cf9b03bbc2aaf0edda145cfbd9a6370a0a849
my_secret: 85d1fca99d98c4e7b83b868f75f809e1e33346317b0c354b593cdcdc8793ad4e

The private key must be saved in the default key directory (/opt/ejson/keys) with the filename being the public key and the contents, the private key, a key directory you'll provide later, or just pass the --write flag for eyaml to handle it for you.

-> % eyaml keygen
Public Key: a3dbdef9efd1e52a34588de56a6cf9b03bbc2aaf0edda145cfbd9a6370a0a849
Private Key: b01592942ba10f152bcf7c6b6734f6392554c578ff24cebcc62f9e3da6fcf302

# Or by using the --write flag

-> % eyaml keygen --write
Public Key: a3dbdef9efd1e52a34588de56a6cf9b03bbc2aaf0edda145cfbd9a6370a0a849

-> % cat /opt/ejson/keys/a3dbdef9efd1e52a34588de56a6cf9b03bbc2aaf0edda145cfbd9a6370a0a849


eyaml comes with baked in Rails support. It will search for a secrets or credentials file in config/, decrypt, and load the first valid one it finds. Credential files have priority over secrets before rails 7.2: credentials.{eyaml|eyml|ejson} (e.g. config/credentials.eyaml) then credentials.$env.{eyaml|eyml|ejson} (e.g. credentials.production.eyml). Then if no credentials are found it will look for a secrets file: secrets.{eyaml|eyml|ejson} (e.g. config/secrets.eyaml) then secrets.$env.{eyaml|eyml|ejson} (e.g. secrets.production.eyml).

Note: From rails 7.2 onwards secrets are deprecated and eyaml will only look for credential files.

Instead of needing a private key locally, you can provide it to EYAML by setting EJSON_PRIVATE_KEY and it'll be automatically used for decrypting the secrets file.

Apple M1 Support

If you're using the new Apple M1, you need to ensure that you're using a ffi that is working. We've temporarily been including a fork with a fix in any Gemfile where we've included eyaml:

gem "ffi", github: "cheddar-me/ffi", branch: "apple-m1", submodules: true


To get started, make sure you have a working version of Ruby locally. Then clone the repo, and run bin/setup (this will install libsodium if you're on a Mac and setup bundler). Running bundle exec rake or bundle exec rake spec will run the test suite.