forthebadge forthebadge Gem Version


The primary goal of the extracter gem

This gem can help the user if said user wants to extract a given archive.

Scope of Extracter

The scope (and goals) for class Extracter are really simple: throw any archive format at it, and the class will try to extract it.

It can be used on the commandline as well, via bin/extracter.

Note that in order to extract a given archive, some programs must be available still. On linux this tends to be tar, bzip2, xz and gzip. On windows it is recommended to use 7-zip.

How to find out whether a given file is a valid archive

You can find out whether a given input xyz is a valid archive by issuing the following toplevel-method:


This will return either true or false. In August 2022 the code was adapted slightly to return true no matter if the file extension is upcased or lowercased. In other words: a file called will work fine, as will the same file but this time called foobar.ZIP. I had the latter issue when I downloaded a BIOS Firmware update in August 2022 - the file was .ZIP and Extracter did not work. So that was a tiny bug in the extracter gem - it really should work on .ZIP files just fine as well, since these are simply .zip files anyway.

Keep in mind that not all archive formats have been added so far, so this will return false even if it should instead return true.

More support for archive formats will be added whenever possible, as time permits.

How to extract an archive through class Extracter, in pure ruby

You can use the following method to extract an archive, in ruby, into a specific target location on the given computer system:

Extracter.extract_what_to('foo-1.0.tar.xz', '/tmp')

The first argument is the local path to an archive. The second argument simply specifies the target, usually the target directory. Can't get any simpler than that!

Colour support

If the Colours gem (gem install colours) is available then colour support is possible for class Extracter::Extracter.

For class Extracter::Extracter, whether colours are supported is determined via the method called .colours?. If true then colours will be used - at the least it will be tried.

If you do not want to have colours, for whatever the reason or use case, then you can disable this, e. g. through the method call .disable_colours specifically, to give one example for doing so.

class Extracter::ExtractIt

class Extracter::ExtractIt was a standalone .gem (named extract_it), but since as of September 2020 it is now part of "module Extracter".

Basically this class is is a wrapper over the class Extracter, which will extract archives in general. The extraction step will go into the current working directory.

What archives and files can be extracted?

class Extracter can extract .tar.xz,, .tar.gz, tar.Z, .zip and numerous other file formats. This requires that tools such as tar or gzip or xz are installed and available on the target computer-machine, as we will simply use ruby to shell out to these other programs. Ruby is the ultimate 'glue' language after all.

This class can also extract audio-files if ffmpeg is installed and the multimedia_paradise project is available (gem install multimedia_paradise), as well as squashfs files (typically .img files). In the latter case, such an .img file will be mounted in the current directory. You could then simply copy the content, to have a 'full' archive situation (mounting means read-only by deafult in this regard, hence why the copy-operation has to be done).

Support for extracting .jar files - used by Java - has been added in May 2020.

Support for 'extracting' .pdf files has been added in January 2021. This depends on poppler, and it is not really an extraction; we simply convert the file to a .txt (text) file. For this functionality the pdf_paradise project has to be available.

Support for extracting archives on windows via 7zip has been added in August 2021. This was done because I had problems with 'tar' on windows; using 7zip bypassed these problems, and I needed to be able to extract archives on windows easily.

Usage example:

_ = Extracter.extract_what_to('foobar-1.0.tar.bz2', '/tmp/')

You can also use the .new variant, which goes like so::

_ ='foo.gz', '/tmp', false) # Yes, you can extract .gz files.

The argument false means "do not yet run". You have to invoke the .run method in that case.

The second argument to the above method is the target location, the directory where we will extract our archive to.

strip components

Say that we have a path such as /home/x/htop/htop-3.0.5.tar.xz. You want to extract it, say, into /tmp/.

Normally this would create the following directory:


In most cases this is what the user wants; at the least I expect this if an archive is correctly tarred up, such as a .tar.xz file.

But there are use cases where this is not the case so. For instance, say that you already did creat such a directory, cd-ed into it and now just want to extract right into this directory. Then you don't want to end up with:


tar allows us to avoid this, by using the commandline flag called --strip-components=1.

In October 2021 I needed this for the rbt-project. Since the old class Extracter did not support it, and the code was very messy, I ended up re-writing the project. It should now be better - at the least cleaner than it once was. And support for the above is possible as well now; even with a specific method call (which is .strip_components()).


If you have a use case where you would like to remove the file suffix from an archive, such as turning "" into "rubygems-3.3.14" exactly, then you can use Extracter.remove_archive_type() for this.

Example follows:

Extracter.remove_archive_type(File.basename("")) # => "rubygems-3.3.14"

Contact information and mandatory 2FA (no longer) coming up in 2022 / 2023

If your creative mind has ideas and specific suggestions to make this gem more useful in general, feel free to drop me an email at any time, via:

Before that email I used an email account at Google gmail, but in 2021 I decided to slowly abandon gmail, for various reasons. In order to limit the explanation here, allow me to just briefly state that I do not feel as if I want to promote any Google service anymore when the user becomes the end product (such as via data collection by upstream services, including other proxy-services). My feeling is that this is a hugely flawed business model to begin with, and I no longer wish to support this in any way, even if only indirectly so, such as by using services of companies that try to promote this flawed model.

In regards to responding to emails: please keep in mind that responding may take some time, depending on the amount of work I may have at that moment. So it is not that emails are ignored; it is more that I have not (yet) found the time to read and reply. This means there may be a delay of days, weeks and in some instances also months. There is, unfortunately, not much I can do when I need to prioritise my time investment, but I try to consider all feedback as an opportunity to improve my projects nonetheless.

In 2022 decided to make 2FA mandatory for every gem owner eventually:


However had, that has been reverted again, so I decided to shorten this paragraph. Mandatory 2FA may exclude users who do not have a smartphone device or other means to 'identify'. I do not feel it is a fair assumption by others to be made that non-identified people may not contribute code, which is why I reject it. Mandatory 2FA would mean an end to all my projects on, so let's hope it will never happen. (Keep in mind that I refer to mandatory 2FA; I have no qualms for people who use 2FA on their own, but this carrot-and-stick strategy by those who control the rubygems infrastructure is a very bad one to pursue.