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extcite gets DOIS and generates citations for your papers


Release version

gem install extcite

Development version

git clone git@github.com:sckott/extcite.git
cd extcite
rake install

if rake install fails, try sudo rake install. If that fails, open an issue with what rake install --trace gives you


Within Ruby

require 'extcite'

A single paper

require 'net/http'
File.write("foo.pdf", Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("https://scottchamberlain.info/pdfs/GuoEtal2015PlosOne.pdf")))
Extcite.extract(path: 'foo.pdf')

bib citation is written to a file given in file param

Many papers at once

File.write("bar/foo1.pdf", Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("https://scottchamberlain.info/pdfs/Chamberlain&Szocs2013F1000Research.pdf")))
File.write("bar/foo2.pdf", Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("https://scottchamberlain.info/pdfs/GuoEtal2015PlosOne.pdf")))
Extcite.extract(path: 'bar')

On the CLI

All pdfs in the current directory:

extcite extract .

Single paper

extcite extract foo.pdf