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Expectation result presenter.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "expresenter"

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install expresenter


Assuming that an expectation is an assertion that is either true or false, qualifying it with MUST, SHOULD and MAY, we can draw up several scenarios:

Requirement levels MUST SHOULD MAY
Implemented & Matched true true true
Implemented & Not matched false true false
Implemented & Exception false false false
Not implemented false false true


  • for a true assertion, a Expresenter::Pass instance can be returned;
  • for a false assertion, a Expresenter::Fail exception can be raised.

Both class share a same Common interface.

Passed expectations can be classified as:

  • ✅ success
  • ⚠️ warning
  • 💡 info

Failed expectations can be classified as:

  • ❌ failure
  • 💥 error


The following parameters are required to instantiate the result:

  • actual: Returned value by the challenged subject.
  • definition: A readable string of the matcher and any expected values.
  • error: Any possible raised exception.
  • expected: The expected value.
  • got: The result of the boolean comparison between the actual value and the expected value through the matcher.
  • negate: Evaluated to a negative assertion?
  • level: The requirement level (:MUST, :SHOULD or :MAY).


A passed expectation:

result = Expresenter.call(true).new(actual: "FOO", definition: 'eq "foo"', error: nil, expected: "foo", got: true, negate: true, level: :MUST)

result.failed? # => false
result.failure? # => false
result.info? # => false
result.warning? # => false
result.to_sym # => :success
result.char # => "."
result.emoji # => "✅"
result.passed? # => true
result.negate? # => true
result.error? # => false
result.success? # => true
result.inspect # => "Expresenter::Pass(actual: \"FOO\", definition: \"eq \\\"foo\\\"\", error: nil, expected: \"foo\", got: true, negate: true, level: :MUST)"
result.definition # => "eq \"foo\""
result.summary # => "expected \"FOO\" not to eq \"foo\""
result.colored_char # => "\e[32m.\e[0m"
result.colored_string # => "\e[32m\e[1mSuccess\e[22m: expected \"FOO\" not to eq \"foo\".\e[0m"
result.message # => "Success: expected \"FOO\" not to eq \"foo\"."
result.to_s # => "Success: expected \"FOO\" not to eq \"foo\"."
result.titre # => "Success"

A failed expectation:

result = Expresenter.call(false).new(actual: "foo", definition: "eq 42", error: Exception.new("BOOM"), expected: 42, got: true, negate: true, level: :MUST)

result.failed? # => true
result.failure? # => false
result.info? # => false
result.warning? # => false
result.to_sym # => :error
result.char # => "E"
result.emoji # => "💥"
result.passed? # => false
result.negate? # => true
result.error? # => true
result.success? # => true
result.inspect # => "Expresenter::Fail(actual: \"foo\", definition: \"eq 42\", error: #<Exception: BOOM>, expected: 42, got: true, negate: true, level: :MUST)"
result.definition # => "eq 42"
result.summary # => "BOOM"
result.colored_char # => "\e[31mE\e[0m"
result.colored_string # => "\e[31m\e[1mException\e[22m: BOOM.\e[0m"
result.message # => "Exception: BOOM."
result.to_s # => "Exception: BOOM."
result.titre # => "Exception"

Return or Raise

To return the results which pass, and to raise the results which fail, the with method is available.

In this example, the result passes, the instance is therefore returned:

Expresenter.call(true).with(actual: "FOO", definition: 'eq "foo"', error: nil, expected: "foo", got: true, negate: true, level: :MUST) # => Expresenter::Pass(actual: "FOO", definition: "eq \"foo\"", error: nil, expected: "foo", got: true, negate: true, level: :MUST)

In this example, the result fails, so the exception is raised:

Expresenter.call(false).with(actual: "foo", definition: "eq 40", error: Exception.new("BOOM"), expected: 42, got: true, negate: true, level: :MUST)

Traceback (most recent call last): 4: from ./bin/console:7:in <main>' 3: from (irb):42 2: from (irb):43:inrescue in irb_binding' 1: from /Users/cyril/github/fixrb/expresenter/lib/expresenter/fail.rb:25:in `with' Expresenter::Fail (Exception: BOOM.)

More Examples

A full list of unit tests can be viewed (and executed) here: ./test.rb



Expresenter follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

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