
expectations is a lightweight unit testing framework. Tests (expectations) can be written as follows

expect 2 do 
  1 + 1 

expect NoMethodError do 

expectations is designed to encourage unit testing best practices such as

- discourage setting more than one expectation at a time
- promote maintainability by not providing a setup or teardown method
- provide one syntax for setting up state based or behavior based expectation
- focus on readability by providing no mechanism for describing an expectation other than the code in the expectation.

Mocking is done utilizing Mocha

by Jay Fields

Download and Installation

You can download expectations from here or install it with the following command.

$ gem install expectations


You may use, copy and redistribute this library under the same terms as Ruby itself (see www.ruby-lang.org/en/LICENSE.txt).


The following code can be used as a new command in TextMate for running an individual expectation.

"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}" -- "$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT/RubyMate/run_script.rb"


expectations can be used for state based and behavior based testing.

require File.dirname(__FILE__) + “/test_helper” Expectations do

# State based expectation where a value equals another value expect 2 do 1 + 1 end

# State based expectation where an exception is expected. Simply expect the Class of the intended exception expect NoMethodError do Object.no_method end

# Behavior based test using a traditional mock expect mock.to.receive(:dial).with(“2125551212”).times(2) do |phone| phone.dial(“2125551212”) phone.dial(“2125551212”) end # Behavior based test using a stub expect stub.to.receive(:dial).with(“2125551212”).times(2) do |phone| phone.dial(“2125551212”) phone.dial(“2125551212”) end # Behavior based test using a stub_everything expect stub_everything.to.receive(:dial).with(“2125551212”).times(2) do |phone| phone.dial(“2125551212”) phone.dial(“2125551212”) end # Behavior based test on a concrete mock expect Object.to.receive(:deal) do Object.deal end

# State based test utilizing a stub expect 2 do stub(:two => 2).two end

# State based test utilizing a concrete mock expect 2 do Object.expects(:bar).returns 2 Object.bar end

# Behavior based test utilizing a stub and a concrete mock expect 1 do Object.expects(:give_me_three).with(3).returns 1 Object.give_me_three(stub(:three=>3).three) end

# State based test matching a Regexp expect /a string/ do “a string” end

# State based test checking if actual is in the expected Range expect 1..5 do 3 end

# State based test to determine if the object is an instance of the module expect Enumerable do [] end # State based test to determine if the object is an instance of the class expect String do “a string” end

# State based test to determine if the modules are the same expect Enumerable do Enumerable end

# State based test to determine if the classes are the same expect String do String end

# State based test with XML strings, whitespace between tags is ignored expect xml(“<a><foo>bar</foo></a>”) do “<a>nt<foo>bar</foo> n</a>” end

# State based test with XML strings, whitespace between tags is ignored expect xml(<<-eos) do <one> <two> <three>4</three> <five> 6 </five> </two> </one> eos “<one><two><three>4</three> <five> 6 </five> </two></one>” end # this is normally defined in the file specific to the class klass = Class.new do def save(arg) record.save(arg) end end # State based delegation test expect klass.new.to.delegate(:save).to(:record) do |instance| instance.save(1) end

# this is normally defined in the file specific to the class klass = Class.new do attr_accessor :started end # State based fluent interface boolean test using to be expect klass.new.to.be.started do |process| process.started = true end

# this is normally defined in the file specific to the class klass = Class.new do attr_accessor :finished end # State based fluent interface boolean test using to have expect klass.new.to.have.finished do |process| process.finished = true end



Matt Mower, Ola Bini, George Malamidis, Brian Guthrie, Philippe Hanrigou, Steve McLarnon, Rubikitch