Exonum Client Ruby

Light client for Exonum blockchain framework. Exonum homepage

Current state

Pre alpha


Posting a transaction:

require 'exonum'
require 'rest_client'

keypair = Exonum::Random.generate_keypair

message = Exonum::MessageT.new 0, 2, 128, Exonum::StructT.new([
  { name: 'pub_key', type: Exonum::PublicKeyT },
  { name: 'name', type: Exonum::StringT }

data = {
  pub_key: keypair[:public],
  name: 'John Doe'

signature = message.sign "#{keypair[:private]}#{keypair[:public]}", data

JSON.parse RestClient.post(
    protocol_version: 0,
    message_id: 2,
    service_id: 128,
    signature: signature,
    body: data
  {content_type: :json, accept: :json}


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