Exif GPS Injector

Add GPS exif tags to images/videos based on a kml file


  gem install exif_gps_injector


Command line

Copy images and kml to the same folder:

❯❯❯ exif_gps_injector --help
Usage: exif_gps_injector [options]
        --fallback-location LOCATION Fallback to this location if can't locate on kml files eg: '-42.0000 -10.0000 0'
        --gps-refs REFS              Default South/West
        --input-dir INPUT_DIR        Directory to read media files, default to ./
        --kml-dir KML_DIR            Directory to read the kml files, default to ./
        --replace-original-files     Default to false
❯❯❯ exif_gps_injector --replace-original-files
23 files found                                                                                                                                       |
2621 location points

Injecting: |=========================================================================================================================================|



  kml = ExifGpsInjector::Kml.new(dir: options[:kml_dir])
  kml.locate_at('2015-01-01 12:00') => '-42.000 -10.000 0'

  media = ExifGpsInjector::Media.new('./image.jpg')
  media.original_date_time  => '2015-01-01 12:00'
  media.location = { gps_latitude: '-10.000', gps_longitude: '-42.000', gps_altitude: 0 }


MIT License. Copyright 2016 Jhimy Fernandes Villar.