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Gem supplying a set of Solr config files and a rake task to use in testing sul-dlss exhibit and spotlight git repos, such as:

  • sul-exhibits-templates
  • spotlight-dor-resources
  • exhibits-requests

Production Solr config files for exhibits are part of sul-solr-configs.


Add this line to your engines's Gemfile:

gem 'exhibits_solr_conf'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install exhibits_solr_conf


exhibits_solr_conf rake task

To use exhibits_solr_conf's rake task, in your Rakefile add:

require 'exhibits_solr_conf'

And then you can use the exhibits:configure_solr rake task. For example:

require 'exhibits_solr_conf'
desc 'Run tests in generated test Rails app with generated Solr instance running'
task ci: ['engine_cart:generate', 'jetty:clean', 'exhibits:configure_solr'] do
  ENV['environment'] = 'test'
  jetty_params = Jettywrapper.load_config

  Jettywrapper.wrap(jetty_params) do
    # run the tests


The default target directory for solr config files is jetty/solr/blacklight-core/conf/

You can configure the target directory for the solr config files by passing an argument:

$ rake exhibits:configure_solr[/my/solr/conf]

NOTE: no quotes around the directory name

To update Solr configs for testing:

  1. Clone this repo (git clone [email protected]:sul-dlss/exhibits_solr_conf.git)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-solr-config-tweaks)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Tweak solr configs thus')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-solr-config-tweaks)
  5. Create a Pull Request

To update Solr configs for deployment to production:

  1. Ensure that all tests pass.
  2. Clone the sul-solr-configs repo (git clone [email protected]:sul-dlss/sul-solr-configs.git)
  3. Create feature branch (git checkout -b exhibits-new-feature)
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'exhibits: add some new feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a Pull Request; tag "@sul-dlss/devops" in your pull request comment.