Rails Execute SQL

Execute SQL with execute_sql helper inside your Rails apps. Directly in rails console.


Simply add this gem into your Gemfile.

And for example call directly in rails console:

execute_sql "select count(*) from users where age > 50"

# see below for additional options.

OR in your models, controllers, or other parts of app:

ExecuteSQL.run "select count(*) from users where age > 50"

# or with different mode
# default mode: :print

# return array of HashWithIndifferentAccess objects
# please remember that arrays can be manipulated with Enumerable methods, but this is *not* a chainable ARel relation
ExecuteSQL.run "select * from users where age > 50", mode: :array

# return array of User objects
ExecuteSQL.run "select * from users where age > 50", mode: :array, klass: User

# return single value
ExecuteSQL.run "select count(*) from users where age > 50", mode: :single

# return array of results
ExecuteSQL.run "select * from users where age > 50", mode: :raw

# just execute and return nil
ExecuteSQL.run "truncate table users", mode: :none

Sample in controller:

class HomeController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @users = ExecuteSql.run "select * from users", mode: :raw


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'execute_sql'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Options and modes

You can call:

In rails console use helper: execute_sql "some SQL".

Or ExecuteSql.run "some SQL" or ExecuteSQL.run "some SQL".


  • import SQL files
  • travis CI
  • verify with older rails
  • more specs


You are welcome to contribute.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Some pieces of code I took from another my gem: https://github.com/igorkasyanchuk/rails_db.


  • pjforde1978

Big thank you.