
A wrapper for accessing the exchange and account API at exco.in.


To install with Bundler, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'excoin_wrapper', git: "https://github.com/excoinexchange/excoin_wrapper_ruby.git"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or build and it install it yourself:

$ git clone https://github.com/excoinexchange/excoin_wrapper_ruby.git
$ cd excoin_wrapper_ruby
$ gem build excoin.gemspec
$ gem install ./excoin-0.0.1.gem

Finally, require 'excoin' in your application.


Basic Functions

Start by connecting to the API and setting your API key, secret, replay attack prevention strategy ("expire" or "nonce"), and replay attack prevention strategy parameter (expire time in seconds for expire, multiplier for nonce) : Excoin.api(api_key, secret, replay_strategy, strategy_parameter). If you set your API authentication information in ~/.excoin/config.yml or you aren't using a key (for example, if you're only pulling down general exchange data), you can skip this step and go straight to:

Excoin.account (API authentication required) to initialize a new Excoin::Account object and populate its data Excoin.market to initialize a new Excoin::Market object with all associated exchanges and data Excoin.exchange(exchange_name) to initialize a new Excoin::Market::Exchange object with data from a single trading pair

Account Functions

a = Excoin.account
=> #<Excoin::Account:0x007f0000000000>
Useful attributes and functions of the account class:

class Excoin::Account

attr_reader :name, :active_wallet_count, :active_wallets,
            :inactive_wallet_count, :inactive_wallets,
            :deposit_count, :withdrawal_count, :withdrawals,
            :orders, :trades

order(order_id)             # returns account order object with specified id
wallets                     # returns a hash of all wallets
wallet(currency)            # returns the hash of the specified wallet
deposits(currency = nil)    # returns a hash of all deposits, or all deposits
                            # matching currency

add_deposit(deposit_data)   # adds new Deposit object to account.deposits
unconfirmed_deposits        # returns a hash of all unconfirmed deposits
withdrawals(currency = nil) # returns a hash of all withdrawals, or all
                            # withdrawals matching currency

unconfirmed_withdrawals     # returns a hash of all unconfirmed withdrawals
                            # adds new Withdrawal object to account.withdrawals

update                      # updates account summary, orders, and trades
    # updates account summary data only

class Excoin::Account::Deposit

attr_reader :timestamp, :currency, :id, :address,
            :amount, :confirmations, :confirmed

class Excoin::Account::Withdrawal

attr_reader :id, :timestamp, :currency, :address, :amount, :confirmed

class Excoin::Account::Orders < Array An array of open account orders, grouped by exchange

add(order)                  # adds Account::Order object to Account::Orders object
delete(order_data)          # deletes Order object matching order_data

all                         # returns all orders in one dimensional array
filter(attr, value, operator = :==)
                            # returns an array of all orders matching criteria

count(attr = nil, value = nil, operator = :==)
                            # returns count of all orders matching criteria

update(exchange_name = nil) # updates all account orders or orders
                            # on specified exchange

refresh                     # clears orders array and updates

>> a.orders.filter("currency_amount",0.01,:<)
=> # returns all orders with currency_amount less than 0.01

class Excoin::Account::Order

attr_reader :currency, :commodity, :type, :id, :timestamp, :price,
            :commodity_amount, :currency_amount, :status

exchange                    # returns associated Exchange object
refresh                     # refreshes single order data
cancel                      # cancels order

class Excoin::Account::Trades < Array An array of the most recent trades on account (count default 100, up to 750)

buys                        # all buy trades in Trades object
sells                       # all sell trades in Trades object
highest(type = nil)         # highest trade, or highest trade of *type*
lowest(type = nil)          # lowest trade, or lowest trade of *type*
update(count = nil)         # update Trades object with most recent trades
add(trade_data)             # add new Trade object to Trades array
trim(n)                     # removes the n oldest trades from the Trades object

class Excoin::Account::Trade

attr_reader :timestamp, :currency, :commodity, :type, :price, :sent,
            :received, :fee, :net_received

exchange                    # returns associated Exchange object

class Excoin::Account::Wallet

attr_reader :status, :currency, :deposit_address, :confirmed_balance,
            :available_balance, :order_balance,
            :pending_deposit_balance, :pending_withdrawal_balance,
            :deposits, :withdrawals

update(wallet_data)              # updates wallet with wallet_data
unconfirmed_deposits             # returns hash of all unconfirmed deposits
unconfirmed_withdrawals          # returns hash of all unconfirmed withdrawls
add_deposit(deposit_data)        # adds new Deposit object to deposits hash
add_withdrawal(withdrawal_data)  # adds new Withdrawal to withdrawals hash
withdraw(address, amount)        # initiates withdrawal and adds it to
                                 # Wallet object

Exchange Functions

>> e = Excoin.market.exchange("BTCBLK")
>> e = Excoin.exchange("BTCBLK")
=> #<Excoin::Market::Exchange:0x007f8e13a71db0 @name="BTCBLK" ...>
Useful attributes and functions of the exchange class:

class Excoin::Market < Array An array of all Exchange objects on the Excoin market

exchanges(currency)        # an array of all exchanges denomiated in currency
exchange(exchange_name)    # selects Exchange object
update                     # updates all exchanges in Market array
update_orders              # updates orders on all exchanges
refresh_all_data           # clears and reinitializes all exchanges

class Excoin::Market::Exchange

attr_reader :name, :currency, :commodity, :last_price, :daily_high,
            :daily_low, :daily_volume, :top_bid, :lowest_ask, :orders,
            :trades, :spread

update                     # update exchange summary, orders, and trades
update_summary             # update exchange summary only
issue_order(type, amount, price)
                           # place order of type "bid" or "ask"
                           # amount in units of currency for bids, and
                           # units of commodity for asks, price in units
                           # of currency

>> e.issue_order("bid", "0.25", "0.0003")
=> # places bid order of 0.25 BTC for BLK at a price of 0.0003 BTC/BLK
   # and adds order to e.orders and a.orders

>> e.issue_order("ask", 100, "0.00035")
=> # places ask order selling 100 BLK at a price of 0.00035 BTC/BLK
   # and adds order to e.orders and a.orders

class Excoin::Market::Exchange::Orders

attr_reader :bids, :asks, :all, :orders

add(order)                 # adds Exchange::Order object to Exchange::Orders object
remove(order_data)         # removes an order matching order_data from Orders object
update(type = nil)         # update all orders on exchange, or all orders
                           # of type
filter(attr, value, operator = :==)
                         # returns an array of all orders matching criteria
count(attr, value, operator = :==)
                         # returns the count of all orders matching criteria

class Excoin::Market::Exchange::Order

attr_reader :currency, :commodity, :type, :price,
            :commodity_amount, :currency_amount

exchange                  # returns associated Exchange object

class Excoin::Market::Exchange::Trades < Array An array of the most recent trades on exchange (count default 100, up to 750)

buys                        # all buy trades in Trades object
sells                       # all sell trades in Trades object
highest(type = nil)         # highest trade, or highest trade of *type*
lowest(type = nil)          # lowest trade, or lowest trade of *type*
update(limit_type = "count", limit = 100)
                            # update all trades on exchange, limited by
                            # limit_type: "count" or "timestamp"
                            # limit:
                            #   integer <= 750 for "count"
                            #   (time in UTC).to_i for "timestamp"
add(trade_data)             # add new Trade object to Trades array
trim(n)                     # removes the n oldest trades from the Trades object

class Excoin::Market::Exchange::Trade

attr_reader :timestamp, :currency, :commodity, :type, :price,
            :commodity_amount, :currency_amount

exchange                  # returns associated Exchange object

class Excoin::Market::Exchange::OrderDepthChart

attr_reader :currency, :commodity, :bid_orders, :ask_orders

update                    # updates all chart order data
exchange                  # returns associated Exchange object

class Excoin::Market::Exchange::OrderDepthChart::DataPoint

attr_reader :type, :currency_amount, :price

class Excoin::Market::Exchange::CandlestickChart

attr_reader :currency, :commodity, :datapoints

update                     # update datapoints
exchange                   # returns associated Exchange object

class Excoin::Market::Exchange::CandlestickChart::DataPoint

attr_reader :timestamp, :open, :close, :high, :low, :commodity_volume,

API Functions

These are the base methods used by the wrapper to import the Excoin API's JSON data.

class Excoin::API

multiple_exchange_summary(currency = nil)
exchange_summary(currency, commodity)
exchange_recent_trades(currency, commodity, limit_type = "count", limit = 100)
exchange_open_orders(currency, commodity, type_or_count = nil)
exchange_candlestick_chart_data(currency, commodity, duration = nil)
exchange_order_depth_chart_data(currency, commodity)

(currency, address, amount)
(count = 100)
(currency = nil, commodity = nil, type = nil)
(currency, commodity, type, amount, price)

excoin_wallets_summary(coin = nil)


Problem: Excoin.api.account_issue_order returns a 404.

Solution: If the amount or price is very small, Ruby converts the number to scientific notation (i.e 1.809E-6). Passing the number as a string avoids this.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/excoin_wrapper/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request