
CI Maintainability Test Coverage

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Exception Hunter is a Rails engine meant to track errors in your Rails project. It works by using your Postgres database to save errors with their corresponding metadata (like backtrace or environment data at the time of failure).

To do so we hook to various points of your application where we can rescue from errors, track and then re-raise those errors so they are handled normally. As such, the gem does not conflict with any other service so you can have your favorite error tracking service running in parallel with Exception Hunter while you decide which you like best.


Error tracking is one of the most important tools a developer can have in their toolset. As such we think it'd be nice to provide a way for everyone to have it in their project, be it a personal project, and MVP or something else.


Add Exception Hunter to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'exception_hunter', '~> 0.4.1'

You may also need to add Devise to your Gemfile if you haven't already done so and plan to use the gem's built in authentication:

gem 'devise'

After installing the dependencies you'll want to run:

$ rails generate exception_hunter:install

This will create an initializer and invoke Devise to create an AdminUser which will be used for authentication to access the dashboard. If you already have this user created (ActiveAdmin uses the same model) you can run the command with the --skip-users flag.

Additionally it should add the 'ExceptionHunter.routes(self)' line to your routes, which means you can go to /exception_hunter/errors in your browser and start enjoying some good old fashioned exception tracking!

Stale data

You can get rid of stale errors by running the rake task to purge them:

$ rake exception_hunter:purge_errors

We recommend you run this task once in a while to de-clutter your DB, using a recurring tasks once a week would be ideal. You can also purge errors by running ExceptionHunter::ErrorReaper.purge.

The time it takes for an error to go stale defaults to 45 days but it's configurable via the initializer.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Exception Hunter is maintained by Rootstrap with the help of our contributors.