Gem Version


provides methods to validate the content of an excel(xls/xlsx) file


Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'excel_validator'

And then execute: $ bundle

Or install it yourself as: $ gem install excel_validator


require 'excel_validator'

f =, file_path)

1) f.number_of_sheets_is?(5)

#returns true if the number of sheets in the file is 5.

2) f.names_of_sheets_are?('Banks', 2: 'Countries', 3: 'Metrics')

#returns true if the names of the sheets at each position is as specified. If the names are case sensitive , do f.names_of_sheets_are?('Banks', 2: 'Countries', 3: 'Metrics', true)

3) f.first_row_is?(2, 5)

#returns true if the first non-empty row of 2nd sheet in the file is 12

4) f.last_row_is?(2,100)

#returns true if the first non-empty row of 2nd sheet in the file is 100

5) f.first_column_is?(2, 'B')

#returns true if the first non-empty row of 2nd sheet in the file is 'B'

6) f.last_column_is?(2, 'CK')

#returns true if the first non-empty row of 2nd sheet in the file is 'CK'

7) f.column_is_empty?(2, 'B')

#returns true if the 'B' column of 2nd sheet in the file is completely empty

8) f.row_is_empty?(2, 12)

#returns true if the 12th row of 2nd sheet in the file is completely empty

9) f.content_of_cell_is?(2, 3, 'C', 'Location', true)

#returns true if at 2nd sheet in the file Row3, Column C, content is 'Location'. If the content is case sensitive , do

10) f.empty_sheets_present?

#returns true if there are empty sheets present in the file.

11) f.keyword_present?(2, 'ClassA')

#returns true if keyword 'ClassA' is present the 2nd sheet of the file. If the keyword is case sensitive, do f.keyword_present?(2, 'ClassA', true)


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request