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An easy-to use API client for connecting ruby applications with EventStoreDB

Supported adapters

  • GRPC - default
  • HTTP - Deprecated
  • InMemory - for testing


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'event_store_client', '~> 1.0'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install event_store_client


Before you start, make sure you are connecting to a running EventStoreDB instance. For a detailed guide see: EventStoreServerSetup

Create Dummy event and dummy Handler

To test out the behavior, you'll need a sample event and event handler to work with:

require 'securerandom'

class SomethingHappened < EventStoreClient::DeserializedEvent
  def schema
    Dry::Schema.Params do

event =
  data: { user_id: SecureRandom.uuid, title: "Something happened" },

Now create a handler. It can be anything, which responds to a call method with an event being passed as an argument.

class DummyHandler
  def call(event)
    puts "Handled #{}"

require 'event_store_client'
require "event_store_client/adapters/grpc"

EventStoreClient.configure do |config|
  config.eventstore_url = ENV['EVENTSTORE_URL']
  config.eventstore_user = ENV['EVENTSTORE_USER']
  config.eventstore_password = ENV['EVENTSTORE_PASSWORD']
  config.verify_ssl = false # remove this line if your server does have the host verified

event_store =

  to: [SomethingHappened]



Basic Usage

The main interface allows for actions listed below which is enough for basic useage. The actual adapter allows for more actions. Contributions as always welcome!

# Publishing to a stream
event_store.publish(stream: 'newstream', events: [event])

# Reading from a stream
events ='newstream').value!

# Reading all events from a stream
events ='newstream', options: { all: true }).value! #default 'false'

# Linking existing events to a new stream
event_store.link_to(stream_name, events)

# Subscribing to events
event_store.subscribe(, to: [SomethingHappened])

# Listening to new events for all registered subscriptions

# In the new terminal session publish some events
events = (1..10).map { event }
event_store.publish(stream: 'newstream', events: events)
# .... wait a little bit ... Your handler should be called for every single event you publish

Extended usage

You can get access to more features by calling the adapter directly, for example:


See the adapters method list for the possible usage.


There are several configuration options you can pass to customize your client's instance. All the config options can be passed the same way:

EventStoreClient.configure do |config|
  config.adapter = :grpc
name value default description
adapter :grpc, :http or :in_memory :grpc different ways to connect with an event_store_db. The in_memory is a mock server useful for testing
verify_ssl Boolean true Useful for self-signed certificates (Kubernetes, local development)
error_handler Any callable ruby object EvenStoreClient::ErrorHandler You can pass a custom error handler for reacting on event_handler errors.
eventstore_url String 'http://localhost:2113' An url for the server instance
user String 'admin' a user used to connect the application with the server
password String 'changeit' a password used to connect the application with the server
per_page Integer 20 a batch size for events subscriptions
service_name String 'default' a prefix (namespace) added to the subscriptions names
mapper Mapper::Default or Mapper::Encrypted an engine used to parse events.

Event Mappers

At the moment we offer two types of mappers:

  • default
  • encrypted

Default Mapper

This is used out of the box. It just translates the EventClass defined in your application to Event parsable by event_store and the other way around.

Encrypted Mapper

This is implemented to match GDPR requirements. It allows you to encrypt any event using your encryption_key repository. For the detailed guide see the: Encrypting Events.


Do you want to contribute? Welcome!

  1. Fork repository
  2. Create Issue
  3. Create PR ;)

For running the client in the dev mode, see: Development Guide

Publishing new version

  1. Push commit with updated version.rb file to the release branch. The new version will be automatically pushed to rubygems.
  2. Create release on github including change log.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.