

  1. Either run ‘gem install event_publisher` or add the gem to the Gemfile `gem ’event_publisher’‘ then run the bundle command.

  2. Install the gem’s migrations using the command ‘rake event_publisher:install:migrations`



The trackable (user) model should look like something like this

“‘rb class Trackble


end “‘

Where ‘trackable` adds the following:

  1. ‘has_many` relation between `users` and `event_publisher_events_trackings` table

  2. An instance method called ‘track_event(event)` that can be called on the user object and track event.


Tracking events

To track events in controllers, you can use the following like in any action

“‘rb track_event(current_user, “Listing articles”) “`

#### Migrating events after logging in After the user logged in, you can use this method ‘migrate_events_after_login(current_user)` which migrates all the events for the user before logging in. It uses cookies to store the user’s ID and type to be able to track events.

If you’re using devise gem, you can use the ‘migrate_events_after_login` as follows:

“‘rb # In application_controller def after_sign_in_path_for(resource)


end “‘