Ethscribe - Inscription / Inscribe (Ethscription Calldata) API Wrapper & Helpers for Ethereum & Co.

ethscribe - inscription / inscribe (ethscription calldata) api wrapper & helpers for Ethereum & co.

What's Ethscription Calldata - Ethereum Inscription / Inscribe?!

See Introducing Ethscriptions - A new way of creating and sharing digital artifacts on the Ethereum blockchain using transaction calldata ยป


This is a little "lite" wrapper around the api(s).

The API (v1) does not require a key, however it is rate limited. If you need more throughput, contact Middlemarch on Twitter.

If you build something cool, also contact Middlemarch on Twitter!

There is a goerli API and a mainnet API. The base URIs are:

Append the below paths, plus a query string if you want, to access the API!

-- Introducing the API (v1)

The (ethereum) goerli testnet api is wrapped in Ethscribe::Api.goerli and the (ethereum) mainnet api is wrapped in Ethscribe::Api.mainnet.

Let's try the mainnet:

require 'ethscribe'

web = Ethscribe::Api.mainnet    # or Ethscribe::Api.goerli

## get latest 25 inscriptions (defaults: page_size=25, sort_order=desc)
pp web.ethscriptions

## get inscriptions page 1 (same as above)
pp web.ethscriptions( page: 1 ) 

# get inscriptions page 2
pp web.ethscriptions( page: 2 ) 

# get oldest first  - sort_order=asc
pp web.ethscriptions( page: 1, sort_order: 'asc' ) 
pp web.ethscriptions( page: 2, sort_order: 'asc' ) 

# get inscription by id or num
pp web.ethscription( 0 ) 
pp web.ethscription( 1 ) 
pp web.ethscription( 1000 ) 
pp web.ethscription( 1_000_000 ) 

# get inscriptions owend by <addresss>
address = '0x2a878245b52a2d46cb4327541cbc96e403a84791'
pp web.ethscriptions_owned_by( address ) 

# get inscription (decoded) content_data and content_type by id or num 
pp web.ethscription_data( 0 ) 
pp web.ethscription_data( 1 ) 
pp web.ethscription_data( 2 ) 

# check if content exists (using sha256 hash)
# inscribe no. 0
sha = '2817fd9cf901e4435253881550731a5edc5e519c19de46b08e2b19a18e95143e'
pp web.ethscription_exists( sha ) 

# inscribe no. ??
sha = '2817fd9cf901e4435253833550731a5edc5e519c19de46b08e2b19a18e95143e'
pp web.ethscription_exists( sha )  

# check the indexer (block) status
pp web.block_status

That's it for now.

Bonus - More Blockchain (Crypto) Tools, Libraries & Scripts In Ruby

See /blockchain at the ruby code commons (rubycocos) org.

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