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A simple library for Ethereum.


  • Pure Ruby implementation
  • IPC & HTTP Client with batch calls support
  • Compile Solidity contracts with solc compiler
  • Deploy and call contracts methods
  • Contract events

Compatibility and requirements

  • Tested with parity 1.4.8, might work with geth
  • Tested with solc 0.4.8
  • Ruby 2.x
  • UNIX/Linux or OS X environment


Ethereum.rb requires installation of ethereum node and solidity compiler.

Ethereum node

Currently the lib supports only parity. It might work with geth as well, but this configuration is not tested. Library assumes that you have at least one wallet configured.

Solidity complier

To be able to compile solidity contracts you need to install solc compiler. Installation instructions are available here.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ethereum'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ethereum

Basic Usage

IPC Client Connection

To create client instance simply create Ethereum::IpcClient:

client =

You can also customize it with path to ipc file path and logging flag:

client ="~/.parity/mycustom.ipc", false)

If no ipc file path given, IpcClient looks for ipc file in default locations for parity and geth. By default logging is on and logs are saved in "/tmp/ethereum_ruby_http.log".

Solidity contract compilation and deployment

You can create contract from solidity source and deploy it to the blockchain.

contract = Ethereum::Contract.from_file("mycontract.sol", client)
contract_instance = contract.deploy_and_wait

Deployment may take up to couple minutes. Or with more complex syntax (might be useful if you want to complie multiple contracts at once):

init ="mycontract.sol", client)
contract =
contract_instance = contract.deploy_and_wait(60)

Note that contract variable holds the reference to contract code, while contract_instance holds refernce to contract deployed to the blockchain. You can call contract functions on contract_instance as described in sections "Transacting and Calling Solidity Functions".

All names used to name contract in solidity source will transalte to name of classes in ruby (camelized). If class of given name exist it will be undefined first to avoid name collision.

Get contract from blockchain

The other way to obtain contract instance is get one form the blockchain. To do so you need a contract name, contract address and ABI definition.

contract_instance = Ethereum::Contract.from_blockchain("MyContract", "0x01a4d1A62F01ED966646acBfA8BB0b59960D06dd ", abi, client)

Note that you need to specify contract name, that will be used to define new class in ruby, as it is not a part of ABI definition.

Transacting and Calling Solidity Functions

Solidity functions are exposed using the following conventions:


Example Contract in Solidity

contract SimpleNameRegistry {

  mapping (address => bool) public myMapping;

  function register(address _a, bytes32 _b) {

  function getSomeValue(address _x) public constant returns(bool b, address b) {

simple_name_registry_instance.transact_and_wait_register("0x5b6cb65d40b0e27fab87a2180abcab22174a2d45", "minter.contract.dgx")
simple_name_registry_instance.transact_register("0x385acafdb80b71ae001f1dbd0d65e62ec2fff055", "[email protected]")

Run contracts using a different address"0x0c0d99d3608a2d1d38bb1b28025e970d3910b1e1")

Point contract instance to a previously deployed contract"0x734533083b5fc0cd14b7cb8c8eb6ed0c9bd184d3")

Utils rake tasks

rake ethereum:contract:compile[path]            # Compile a contract / Compile and deploy contract
rake ethereum:node:mine                         # Mine ethereum testing environment for ethereum node
rake ethereum:node:run                          # Run morden (production) node
rake ethereum:node:test                         # Run testnet node
rake ethereum:test:setup                        # Setup testing environment for ethereum node
rake ethereum:transaction:byhash[id]            # Get info about transaction
rake ethereum:transaction:send[address,amount]  # Send [amount of] ether to an account


Logs from communication with node are available under following path:



After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Make sure rake ethereum:test:setup passes before running tests. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to

Ethereum ruby

This library has been forked from ethereum-ruby by DigixGlobal Pte Ltd (


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.