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Transpile ES6 Modules in the Rails Asset Pipeline

Uses Square's ES6 Module Transpiler


Node.js must be installed for the transpiling to happen

gem 'es6_module_transpiler-rails'


Your modules will transpile and are named based upon their directory nesting + filename, as long as the file has the .es6 extension. For example, app/assets/javascripts/controllers/fooController.js.es6

var fooController = function() {
  console.log('fooController is in the house!')

export default = fooController;

will compile to /assets/controllers/fooController.js

  function(__exports__) {
    "use strict";
    var fooController = function() {
      console.log('fooController is in the house!')

    __exports__["default"] = fooController;


By default your module will compile to an AMD. You can also compile it to globals or CommonJS by making the following switch:

ES6ModuleTranspiler.compile_to = :globals
# or
ES6ModuleTranspiler.compile_to = :cjs

Custom Module Prefix

You can match module names based upon a pattern to apply a prefix to the name:

ES6ModuleTranspiler.prefix_pattern = [/^(controllers|models|views|helpers|routes|router|store)/, 'app']

This would match names that start with the pattern and prepend with app/. For example, controllers/fooController would now be named app/controllers/fooController.

Note the path is the logical path for the asset. For example, if the path to your asset is app/assets/javascripts/controllers/fooController.js.es6 the logical path is controllers/fooController.


Brian Cardarella

We are very thankful for the many contributors


This gem follows Semantic Versioning

Want to help?

Please do! We are always looking to improve this gem.

DockYard, LLC © 2013


Licensed under the MIT license