
Adds a #merge method to ActiveModel-compliant models.

Allows the merging/consolidation of errors on multiple models to make it easy to pass into some kind of error renderer.

Also adds #full_sentence and #full_sentences methods, with are comparable to #full_message and #full_messages respectively, except they ensure each error message always ends with a period.


In your Gemfile, add:

gem 'error_merger'



@user = name: nil
@user.valid? # => false
@account = group: 'invalid'
@account.valid? # => false

## By default, will prefix with the merged model's name:
@account.errors.merge @user
@account.errors.full_messages  # will include errors for both Account and User
# => ["Group is invalid", "User: Name can't be blank"]

## Disable the prefix:
@account.errors.merge @user, ''
# @account.errors.merge @user, false  # equivalent to ''
# => ["Group is invalid", "Name can't be blank"]

## Or change it:
@account.errors.merge @user, 'Member'
# => ["Group is invalid", "Member Name can't be blank"]

## By default, merged errors are associated with the model, not an association
## (by adding the errors to :base). An attribute may be specified. Since the
## standard rendering of the error message will use the attribute name as part
## of the error message, auto-prefixing is disabled.
@account.errors.merge @user, attribute: :user
# => {group: ["is invalid"], user: ["Name can't be blank"]}
# => ["Group is invalid", "User Name can't be blank"]

## A prefix can still be added, however:
@account.errors.merge @user, 'Member', attribute: :user
# => ["Group is invalid", "User Member Name can't be blank"]

Hint: to merge the actual attributes directly, use the built-in merge! method instead.

## This may cause weird behavior if both models have the same attribute (eg: both
## have a :name attribute).
@account.errors.merge! @user.errors
# => {group: ["is invalid"], name: ["can't be blank"]}
# => ["Group is invalid", "Name can't be blank"]


## Rails default behavior:
# => ["Name can't be blank"]

## Make errors nicer for display to users:
# => ["Name can't be blank."]

## Combine sentences into a single string:
# => "First name can't be blank. Last name can't be blank."


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request