epubValidator - Check if your EPUB eBooks are valid

This library will check that your .epub files are valid IDPF EPUB documents (version 2.x and 3.0) and return a successful or error message. It can be called as a Ruby library, or invoked from the command line.

For more about the IDPF see http://idpf.org

For more about the epubcheck tool see http://code.google.com/p/epubcheck/


gem install epub_validator

Basic Usage

Sample usage and output:

require 'epub_validator'

epub = EpubValidator.check('/path/to/sample.epub')

puts "Invalid!" unless epub.valid?
epub.messages.each do |m|
  puts m
=> Invalid!
=> ERROR: OPS/toc.ncx(21): 'OPS/': referenced resource exists, but not declared in the OPF file

Now from the command line:

$ epub_validator /path/to/sample.epub


ERROR: OPS/toc.ncx(21): 'OPS/': referenced resource exists, but not declared in the OPF file


Java must be installed and set in your PATH.

Future Features

  • Command line: accept directory containing many .epub files for processing.
  • Command line: have switch for writing results to log file
  • Format "ERROR" and "WARNING" output for more intuitive instructions.