epub-cover command-line tool

epub-cover tool extract cover image from EPUB book.


% epub-cover --help
Extract cover image.
Image is put to current directory with the same name in EPUB.
It is put to specified directory when `--output' option is given.

Usage: epub-cover [options] EPUBFILE

    -o, --output=DIR                 Directory to put image file


% epub-cover childrens-literature.epub
Cover image output to cover.png

As output indicates, cover image file is output to current directory. The file name is the same to one in EPUB file.

Output directory

You can specify a directory to output the cover file by --output option.

% epub-cover --output=/tmp childrens-literature.epub
Cover image output to /tmp/cover.png

Extract from the web

epub-open accepts URI instead of file path.

% epub-cover https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IDPF/epub3-samples/master/30/page-blanche/
Cover image output to cover.jpg