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EnumKit provides native support for PostgreSQL enums in Ruby on Rails projects.


You can install EnumKit using the following command:

$ gem install enum_kit

Or, by adding the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'enum_kit', '~> 0.3'


Here is an example migration file that creates an enum called :shirt_size and then adds it to the :shirts table using the column name :size:

Pro Tip: You can omit the :enum_type attribute when the name of the enum you want to use exactly matches the name of the column you're adding.

class CreateShirts < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
    create_enum :shirt_size, %i[small medium large]

    create_table :shirts do |t|
      t.string :name
      t.enum   :size, enum_type: :shirt_size


You can also remove an enum from the database, but you'll need to remove any associated columns first:

class DropShirts < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
    remove_column :shirts, :size
    drop_enum :shirt_size

Once you've defined an enum, you can use it in the associated model with the #pg_enum method:

class Shirt < ActiveRecord::Base
  pg_enum :size

Note that you don't need to define the enum's cases again. The #pg_enum method automatically queries the database once when the model is loaded to determine the supported values.

When setting an enum to a value that is not supported, an exception is raised. This can be inconvenient in some cases such as an API where you can't control what value is submitted.

You can disable the default 'exception raising' behaviour by adding a custom initializer to your Rails project:

# Prevent enums from raising exceptions when set to unsupported values.
Rails.application.config.enum_kit.disable_exceptions = true

Please note that this will affect all enums defined in your Rails app, as the pg_enum method simply uses the enum method behind the scenes. There isn't currently an option to set this on a per enum basis.


After checking out the repo, run bundle exec rake spec to run the tests.

To install this gem onto your machine, run bundle exec rake install.