
When you create a Rails Engine, that will be used as core and will have multiple engine extensions (like for example spree) you may encounter some issues when an engine extension tries to add routes to your core engine like routes are begin loaded twice.

Here is where engine_routes can help you, it's a very simple gem that adds a layer between the engine extension routes and your core gem and making sure that routes are never loaded twice.


Add this line to your engine's gemspec:

s.add_dependency "engine_router"

Then in your engine's file require the gem and call acts_as_engine_router

require "engine_router"
module Example
  class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
    isolate_namespace Example
    engine_name 'example'


Core Engine

Let's assume that your core engine it's name Example. Normally when you add routes in your core Rails Engine you do this.

# config/routes.rb
Example::Engine.routes.draw do
  # Add the routes of you core engine here

Now once you have installed engine_router gem, replace the routes method for engine_routes, like this

# config/routes.rb
Example::Engine.engine_routes.draw do
  # Add the routes of you core engine here

Extension Engine

Let's assume that you created an engine named ExampleShop that will work as an extension of Example. First of all require the example engine.

require "example"
module ExampleShop
  class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
    engine_name 'example_shop'

To add more routes to Example engine, nomally you will do this in the ExampleShop route file.

# config/routes.rb
Example::Engine.routes.prepend do
  # Add the routes that will extend  Example Engine

Replace replace the routes method for engine_routes, like this

# config/routes.rb
Example::Engine.engine_routes.prepend do
  # Add the routes that will extend  Example Engine

Note: engine_routes have 2 method to work with routes, append and prepend

Special Thank's

This gem was based on the routes system implemented by the spree_gem, so thank's to all the spree comunity for making that fantastic gem!.