Gem Version

Endicia Label Server

Endicia Label Server Gem for accessing the Endicia Label Server API from Ruby. Using the gem you can:

  • Return quotes from the Endicia Label Server API
  • Book shipments
  • Return labels and tracking numbers for a shipment

This gem is currently used in production at Veeqo


$ gem install endicia_label_server-ruby

...or add it to your project's Gemfile.


Yard documentation can be found at RubyDoc.

Sample Usage

Return rates

# For testing on the command line
$ rake console
require 'endicia_label_server'
server = true)
response = server.rate do |rate_builder|
  rate_builder.add :certified_intermediary, {
    account_id: ENV['ENDICIA_ACCOUNT_ID'],
    pass_phrase: ENV['ENDICIA_PASS_PHRASE'] # or token: ENV['ENDICIA_TOKEN']
  rate_builder.add :requester_id, ENV['ENDICIA_REQUESTER_ID']
  rate_builder.add :mail_class, EndiciaLabelServer::SERVICES.keys.first
  rate_builder.add :mailpiece_dimensions, {
    length: '10',
    width: '10',
    height: '10'
  rate_builder.add :weight_oz, "2"
  rate_builder.add :from_postal_code, '90210'
  rate_builder.add :to_postal_code, '02215'
  rate_builder.add :to_country_code, 'US'
# Then use...

Running the tests

After installing dependencies with bundle install, you can run the unit tests using rspec.