
encookie is a Ruby gem that provides a Rack session middleware implementation. This implementation stores all data in the HTTP cookies - like Rack::Session::Cookie, but also encrypts the contents of the cookies so it cannot be read by the user.

Encryption and authentication is provided by OpenSSL's aes-128-gcm cipher. This means that there is no need for a separate MAC step or a second key.


# Gemfile
gem 'encookie'

# config.ru
require 'encookie'
key = ['7881e46e1e40484756485019038703c2'].pack 'H*'
use Rack::Session::Encookie, key: key

# app.rb
get '/' do
  session[:yourdata] = 'super secret persistent data'

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/glassechidna/encookie.