
A simple Ruby library to enforce a convention for configuration, logging and execution


gem install empezar


To start, you must create a config directory containing at least a main.yaml file with at least one configuration. Currently Empezar supports the verbosity flag, which can be setted to silent and the application's log will not be echoed in command line (otherwise it will be):

verbosity: normal # `silent` will silence stdout

Then create a ruby script anywhere in the folder and run it

# script.rb
require 'empezar'

Runner.run        # Maps config/main.yaml to Configuration as SymbolMatrix
                  # Gets ready Log as a logger in log/main.log

Log.info "This will be logged and written in the shell"

Configuration.each do |key, value|
  Log.debug "#{key}: #{value}"

...and then

ruby script.rb

You can find this sample in the sample folder in this repo.

This is really short, so here, have a picture of a monkey . Enjoy