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Provides classes and helpers for dealing with emoji character data as unicode. Wraps a library of all known emoji characters and provides convenience methods.

Note, this is mostly useful for low-level operations. If you can avoid having to deal with unicode character data extensively and just want to encode/decode stuff, rumoji might be a better bet for you.

This library currently uses iamcal/emoji-data as it's library dataset, and thus considers it to be the "source of truth" regarding certain things, such as how to represent doublebyte unified codepoint IDs as strings (seperated by a dash).

This is basically a helper library for emojitrack and emojistatic, but may be useful for other people.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'emoji_data'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install emoji_data

Currently requires Ruby 1.9 or more recent.

Library Usage

Pretty straightforward, read the source. But here are some things you might care about:


The EmojiData module provides some convenience methods for dealing with the library of known emoji characters. Check out the source to see what's up.

Some notable methods to call out:

  • EmojiData.find_by_unified(id) gives you a quick way to grab a specific EmojiChar.

    >> EmojiData.find_by_unified('1f680')
    => #<EmojiData::EmojiChar:0x007fd455ab2ff8 @name="ROCKET", @unified="1F680", @docomo="", @au="E5C8", @softbank="E10D", @google="FE7ED", @image="1f680.png", @sheet_x=21, @sheet_y=28, @short_name="rocket", @short_names=["rocket"], @text=nil>
  • EmojiData.find_by_name(name) and .find_by_short_name(name) do pretty much what you'd expect:

    >> EmojiData.find_by_name('thumb')
    => [#<EmojiData::EmojiChar:0x007f9db214a558 @name="THUMBS UP SIGN", @unified="1F44D", @docomo="E727", @au="E4F9", @softbank="E00E", @google="FEB97", @image="1f44d.png", @sheet_x=10, @sheet_y=17, @short_name="+1", @short_names=["+1", "thumbsup"], @text=nil>, #<EmojiData::EmojiChar:0x007f9db2149720 @name="THUMBS DOWN SIGN", @unified="1F44E", @docomo="E700", @au="EAD5", @softbank="E421", @google="FEBA0", @image="1f44e.png", @sheet_x=10, @sheet_y=18, @short_name="-1", @short_names=["-1", "thumbsdown"], @text=nil>]
  • EmojiData.char_to_unified(char) takes a string containing a unified unicode representation of an emoji character and gives you the unicode ID.

    >> EmojiData.char_to_unified(:rocket:)
    => "1F680"
  • EmojiData.all will return an array of all known EmojiChars, so you can map or do whatever funky Enumerable stuff you want to do across the entire character set.

    #gimmie the shortname of all doublebyte chars
    >> EmojiData.all.select(&:doublebyte?).map(&:short_name)
    => ["hash", "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "cn", "de", "es", "fr", "gb", "it", "jp", "kr", "ru", "us"]


EmojiData::EmojiChar is a class representing a single emoji character. All the variables from the iamcal/emoji-data dataset have dynamically generated getter methods.

There are some additional convenience methods, such as #doublebyte? etc. Most important addition is the #char method which will output a properly unicode encoded string containing the character.