Key To Redis output plugin for Embulk

Generate the aggregated key from input values and output to Redis's SET value.

This plugin is designed to extract data set diff files used with the combination in below use cases.

  1. Use this plugin and output specified key's to redis.
    • this plugin.
  2. Input another data source and use filter key_in_redis plugin with specified key's then filtered the key's (or that hash).


  • Plugin type: output
  • Load all or nothing: no
  • Resume supported: no
  • Cleanup supported: no


name type required? default description
host string optional "" redis servers host
port integer optional "6379" redis servers port
db integer optional "null" redis servers db
flush_on_start boolean optional "false" flush on start specified redis servers db
redis_set_key string required redis of key of set name
appender string optional "-" multi key of appender
put_as_md5 boolean optional "false" sadd the value to converted md5
key_with_index hash: Map required with key_with_index or json_key_with_index or only one index with key name
json_key_with_index hash: Map required with key_with_index or json_key_with_index or only one json columns's expanded key name
default_timezone string optional UTC
default_timestamp_format string optional %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%6N


  • input json

  • definition's yaml

    - type: expand_json
    json_column_name: record
    root: "$."
    stop_on_invalid_record: false
      - { name: "device_id", type: string }
      - { name: "timestamp_micros", type: long }
      - { name: "params", type: json }
    type: "key_to_redis"
    redis_set_key: redis_key
    flush_on_start: true
    put_as_md5: false
    appender: "_"
    1: "device_id"
    2: "timestamp_micros"
    3: "UserID" 
  • output as redis command

    sadd redis_key "ABC_1502590079312009_user_id_12345"


$ ./gradlew gem  # -t to watch change of files and rebuild continuously