
This is Embulk input plugin from Bigquery.


install it yourself as:

$ embulk gem install embulk-input-big-query-async


  type: bigquery-async
  project: 'project-name'
  keyfile: '/home/hogehoge/bigquery-keyfile.json'
  sql: 'SELECT price,category_id FROM [ecsite.products] GROUP BY category_id'
    - {name: price, type: long}
    - {name: category_id, type: string}
  max: 2000
  synchronous_method: true
  type: stdout

If, table name is changeable, then

  type: bibigquery-asyncquery
  project: 'project-name'
  keyfile: '/home/hogehoge/bigquery-keyfile.json'
  sql_erb: 'SELECT price,category_id FROM [ecsite.products_<%= params["date"].strftime("%Y%m")  %>] GROUP BY category_id'
    date: "require 'date'; (Date.today - 1)"
    - {name: price, type: long}
    - {name: category_id, type: long}
    - {name: month, type: timestamp, format: '%Y-%m', eval: 'require "time"; Time.parse(params["date"]).to_i'}

Optional Configuration

This plugin uses the gem google-cloud(Google Cloud Client Library for Ruby) and queries data using the synchronous method or the asynchronous method. Therefore some optional configuration items comply with the Google Cloud Client Library.

optional bigquery parameter

The detail of follows params is here.

  • max :
    • default value : null and null value is interpreted as no maximum row count in the Google Cloud Client Library. This param is supported only synchronous method.
  • cache :
    • default value : null and null value is interpreted as true in the Google Cloud Client Library.
  • timeout :
    • default value : null and null value is interpreted as 10000 milliseconds in the Google Cloud Client Library. This param is supported only synchronous method.
  • dryrun :
    • default value : null and null value is interpreted as false in the Google Cloud Client Library. This param is supported only synchronous method.
  • standard_sql :
    • default value : null and null value is interpreted as true in the Google Cloud Client Library.
  • legacy_sql :
    • default value : null and null value is interpreted as false in the Google Cloud Client Library.
  • large_results :
    • default value : null and null value is interpreted as false in the Google Cloud Client Library. This param is supported only asynchronous method.
  • write :
    • default value : null and null value is interpreted as empty in the Google Cloud Client Library. This param is supported only asynchronous method.

the bigquery method

Big query library in Google Cloud Client Library has two methods for query.

The default method in this plugin is synchronous_method. The logic which how select query method is here.

  • synchronous_method:
    • type : boolean
    • default value : null
    • This method uses query method in the Google Cloud Client Library.
    • It should be noted that the number of records for query method is limited. Therefore, if you get many records, you should use query_job method with asynchronous_method option.
  • asynchronous_method:
    • type : boolean
    • default value : null
    • This method uses query_job method in the Google Cloud Client Library.