

This gem aims to provide the ability to search for WS-Discovery compatible target services.

This uses EventMachine, so if you’re not already, getting familiar with its concepts will be helpful here.


  • Search for WS-Discovery compatible target services.


WS-Discovery Searches

A WS-Discovery search simply sends the probe out to the multicast group and listens for responses for a given (or default of 5 seconds) amount of time. The return from this depends on if you’re running it within an EventMachine reactor or not. If not, it returns an Array of responses as WSDiscovery::Responses. Take a look at the WSDiscovery#search docs for more on the options here.

require 'ws_discovery'

# Search for all devices (do a probe with Types left unspecified)
all_devices =                         # this is default

# Search for devices of a specific Type
network_video_transmitters =
  env_namespaces: { "xmlns:dn" => "" },
  types: "dn:NetworkVideoTransmitter")

# These searches will return an Array of WSDiscovery::Responses.  See the
# WSDiscovery::Response documentation for more information.

If you do the search inside of an EventMachine reactor, as the WSDiscovery::Searcher receives and parses responses, it adds them to the accessor #discovery_responses, which is an EventMachine::Channel. This lets you subscribe to the responses and do what you want with them.


  • Ruby

    • 1.9.3

  • Gems

    • builder

    • eventmachine

    • log_switch

    • nokogiri

    • nori

    • uuid

  • Gems (development)

    • bundler

    • rake

    • rspec

    • simplecov

    • simplecov-rcov

    • yard


$ gem install ws_discovery


The initial core of this gem came from due to the similarities in how SSDP and WS-Discovery searches are performed.

The WSDiscovery::Response class reuses parts of It made sense to me that WSDiscovery::Responses would behave similarly to Savon::SOAP::Responses.